This web tool provides the questions, choices of answers, and accompanying guidance for the Virginia Noxious Weed Assessment Tool. For each species being assessed, the two screening questions (S-1 and S-2) determine whether use of the assessment tool is appropriate. Upon passing the screening questions, the 23 questions (grouped into five sections) should then be answered, to the best of your ability, for each species being formally assessed for proposal as a noxious weed to the Virginia Noxious Weed List. The geographical region of interest for the assessment includes: New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, District of Columbia, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina. See the Map of Ecological Regions linked below. The expanded region assists in evaluating impacts of species present within Virginia and recognizing potential future noxious weeds.
For each question, include citations of the supporting information. Information may include published peer-reviewed papers, reference works (e.g., Flora of Virginia, PLANTS Database), gray literature, web pages, personal observations or personal communications. At the bottom of each web page in the tool, you can expand the page to find References, with links for plant species research (print version, see Appendix A: References), How to Write Citations, for guidelines to writing citations, and a Map of Ecological Regions, which displays the region of interest and ecological regions.
Find names at Plants Database
Is the species commercially propagated in Virginia? You may wish to consult Virginia Nursery and Landscapers Association Growers Guide
Yes. STOP. This species is of commercial importance in Virginia. Enter "Disqualified" as the Weed Impact Rank (W-Rank), summarize evidence and justification in Rank Reasons Summary, and cite at least one information source. No. Proceed to S-2, below.
Find more resources in Reference section below.
Digital Atlas of the Virginia Flora [] provides information on documented plant species in Virginia.
PLANTS Database [] shows documented species for all U.S. states. provides some occurrence and distribution data; however, not all records are verified. Use with caution.
Provide examples of processes affected in the comment & citations.
Is this species non-native to and present in the region of interest?
Yes. No. STOP. This Noxious Weed Assessment Tool is not applicable to this species
The assessment should apply to the current impact of the species within or near the Commonwealth of Virginia, to the extent it is known. The "region of interest" for this assessment includes the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. Assess the cumulative impact (e.g., over a period of several decades) of the species on agricultural, forestry, and naturalareas where it typically occurs in the region. Consider the spatial scale of the impact, and note this in the comments section for each question. For example, state whether the impacts are widespread or localized.
Some non-native species can alter abiotic ecosystem processes and system-wide parameters in ways that significantly diminish the ecosystem services, as well as the ability of native species to survive and reproduce. Alterations in ecosystem processes and system-wide parameters are of great concern, given the potential range of negative impacts.
Examples of abiotic ecosystem processes include:
Examples of system-wide parameters include:
Select the one letter below that best describes this species' most severe impact on an abiotic ecosystem process or system-wide parameter:
A. Major, possibly irreversible, alteration or disruption of abiotic ecosystem process or system-wide parameters (e.g., the species drains water from open water or wetland systems through rapid transpiration, making these unable to support native wetland plant and animal species; or the species is a nitrogen fixer and invades systems with few or no known native fixers, and consequently causes soil nitrogen availability to increase to levels that favor other non-native invaders at the expense of native species) B. Significant alteration in abiotic ecosystem processes and system-wide parameters (e.g., increases sedimentation rates along coastlines, reducing open water areas that are important for waterfowl) C. Influences abiotic ecosystem processes and system-wide parameters (e.g., has perceivable but mild influence on soil nutrient availability) D. No perceivable impact on abiotic ecosystem processes and system-wide parameters E. Unknown
Select the one letter that best describes this species' impact on community structure:
A. Major alteration of ecological community structure by overtopping the canopy (i.e., covers canopy and changes or eliminates most or all layers of vegetation below) B. Adds a layer or significantly alters structure of at least one layer of the vegetation below the canopy (e.g., creation of a new layer, substantial change in density or total cover of an existing layer) C. Influences structure of at least one layer (e.g., changes density or total cover of a layer) D. No impact; establishes within existing layers without influencing their structure E. Unknown
Provide examples of alterations affected in the comments & citations field.
Select the one letter that best describes this species' impact on community composition:
A. Causes major alteration in ecological community composition. For example, results in:
B. Significantly alters ecological community composition (e.g., produces a significant reduction in the population size of one native species in the ecological community) C. Influences ecological community composition (e.g., reduces recruitment of one or more native species which will likely result in significant reduction in the abundance of these species in the long-term) D. No known changes to the native community E. Unknown
Provide examples of effects on ecological community composition in the comments & citations field.
Non-native species often impact the native species of an area broadly, in rough proportion to their local abundance. However, some non-native species disproportionately affect particular native species.
Examples of such disproportionate individual impacts on particular native species include:
Select the one letter that best describes this species' impact on individual native species:
A. Major impacts on particular native species (e.g., has negative impacts on more than 50% of the individuals of one or more native species) B. Significant impact on particular native species (e.g., has negative impacts on 20 to 50% of the individuals of one or more native species) C. Occasional impact on particular native species (e.g., has negative impacts on 5 to 20% of the individuals of one or more native species) D. Little or no known impact on particular native species (e.g., no known reports of suppression, hybridization, parasitism, or other particular disproportionate negative impacts) E. Unknown
Provide examples of impacts on specified individual native species in comments & citations field.
Many non-native plants occur in disturbed, low quality habitats that are dominated by other non-native species. Non-native plants have a greater impact if they:
Select the one letter that best describes the conservation significance of native species and communities impacted by this non-native species within its established range (however large or small):
A. High significance (e.g., often threatens one or more rare or vulnerable native species or ecological communities, and/or high-quality occurrences of more common ecological communities) B. Moderate significance (e.g., occasionally threatens one or more rare or vulnerable native species or ecological communities, and/or high-quality occurrences of more common ecological communities) C. Low significance (e.g., usually inhabits common, unthreatened habitats and rarely threatens rare or vulnerable native species or ecological communities, and/or high-quality occurrences of more common ecological communities) D. Insignificant (e.g., found primarily or only in human-disturbed habitats or not known to threaten any rare or vulnerable native species or ecological communities, and/or any high-quality occurrences of more common ecological communities) E. Unknown
Provide examples of affected species or ecological communities in the comments & citations field.
DCR Natural Heritage Program Rare Species and Natural Community information:
Rare Species and Natural Community
The range size used here is the entire range where the species isnon-native and occurs outside cultivation, not just the range where it has its greatest impacts. The area of the range is usually much greater than actual acreage infested.
Select the letter that best describes the current range in the region of interest:
A. Widespread in region (e.g., >30% of region). B. Substantial part of region (e.g., 10-30% of region). C. Small part of region (e.g., 0.1-10% of region). D. Isolated or spotty range in region (e.g., <0.1% of region). E. Unknown
If available, specify approximate date(s) of range-size information in the comments & citations field, especially if estimated from multiple sources.
The region of interest for this assessment is defined as the states of New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
Several online references provide range information, such as PLANTS Database, Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System, and the Digital Atlas of the Virginia Flora. See the resource list in Appendix A.
Within what proportion of the species' range (from Question 6 above) is the species causing negative ecological impacts?
Select the one letter below that best describes the portion of the species' range in the region, within which this species has been identified as having a negative ecological impact:
A. Impacts occur in >50% of the species' current range B. Impacts occur in 20 to 50% of the species' current range C. Impacts occur in 5 to 20% of the species' current range D. Impacts occur in <5% of the species' current range E. Unknown
Comments / Citations
For this section, use Bailey's (1995) ecological regions. See map in Appendix C.
Select the letter that best describes the proportion of the region of interest's biogeographic units in which the species is currently established:
A. Present in mostecological regions(e.g., 9+) B. Present in manyecological regions (e.g., 6-8) C. Present in a few ecological regions(e.g., 2-5) D. Present in only one ecological region E. Unknown
In the comments & citations field, specify the number ofecological regions the species is present in.See map in Appendix C.
General habitat types for this assessment are:
Select the one letter below that best describes the number of habitats or ecological systems that this non-native species invades within the region of interest:
A. Four or more distinct habitats or ecological systems invaded B. Three habitats, or ecological systems invaded C. Two habitats or ecological systems invaded D. Only a single habitat or ecological system invaded E. Unknown
Provide examples of habitats this species has invaded in the comments & citations field.
Select the letter that best describes the current trend within the last ten years:
A. Range expanding in most or all directions, and/or spreading into new portions of the region B. Range increasing in some directions but not all C. Range stable, or areas of range contraction balancing areas of expansion D. Range decreasing E. Unknown
The question is intended to compare the species' current range within the region of interest with the potential range it is considered to be capable of occupying if it is not prevented from spreading.
Select the one letter below that best describes the proportion of potential range occupied:
A. Less than 10% of potential range currently occupied B. 10-30% of potential range currently occupied C. 31-90% of potential range currently occupied D. Greater than 90% of potential range currently occupied E. Unknown
For a typical population, what is the potential for long-distance dispersal by humans or equipment, other animals, or by abiotic factors (e.g., wind, rivers, floods, etc.)?
Select the one letter below that best describes the long-distance dispersal potential:
A. Long-distance dispersal frequent (e.g., seed or other propagules frequently carried long distances by humans, wide-ranging birds or mammals, wind [spores or small seeds], or water currents) B. Long-distance dispersal infrequent (e.g., propagules carried occasionally by unusually strong winds, more localized birds or mammals, or periodic floods) C. Long-distance dispersal rare but known (e.g., major floods, hurricanes, or other unusual weather events) D. Long-distance dispersal seldom or never E. Unknown
Provide examples of known long-distance dispersal mechanisms in the comments & citations field.
Is the species increasing in abundance (cover, density, frequency, etc.) within its current range and/or expanding its local range (peripheral expansion), based on trends of the past 10-20 years?
Select the one letter below that best describes the local range expansion or change in abundance:
A. Local range and/or species abundance increasing rapidly (e.g., area occupied likely to double within 10 years in most areas where it doesn't already fully occupy its potential habitat, and/or abundance increasing by >25% in the area that it has already invaded) B. Local range expanding at a moderate rate (e.g., area occupied likely to increase by 50% in 10 years or to double within 50 years) and/or species abundance increasing significantly in 25%-75% of the area that it has already invaded C. Local range expanding slowly and/or abundance increasing significantly in only a small portion (<25%) of the area that it has already invaded D. Species abundance and local range stable or decreasing across the entire area it has already invaded within the region E. Unknown
Consider information indicating whether or not the species has invaded natural habitats, such as forests or marshes. If possible, use information from areas where the species is known to be naturalized/invasive (including both the region of interest and other parts of the world). If no information is available on the species’ behavior in its non-native range, use information from its native range but be aware that this may yield a conservative view of its potential behavior since pathogens, predators, and competitors likely limit the species’ population expansion in its native range.
Select the one letter below that best describes the species' ability to invade natural habitats:
A. Often establishes in intact or otherwise healthy plant communities B. Often establishes in mid- to late-successional native vegetation where minor disturbances may occur (e.g., tree falls, hiking trails, streambank erosion), or in minor disturbances within otherwise mature vegetation, but not establishing in intact mature native vegetation C. Establishes only in areas where major human-caused or natural disturbance has occurred in last 20 years (e.g., post-hurricane sites, landslides, highway corridors) D. Not known to spread into new habitat on its own (e.g., species may persist from former cultivation, or be present along edges) E. Unknown
Is this species established outside its native range in places besides the region of interest? If so, has this species naturalized in habitats/agricultural lands that are similar to habitats/agricultural lands that exist in the region of interest, but which it has not yet invaded?
Select the one letter below that best describes the number of similar habitats or ecosystem types invaded in other regions:e.g., forests, wetlands, grasslands in Eastern U.S.; northern Europe; coastal marshes of California.
A. Naturalized in 3 or more similar habitats outside Virginia B. Naturalized in 1 or 2 similar habitats outside Virginia C. Naturalized elsewhere but only in habitat types which it has already invaded in the region of interest D. Not known as a naturalized species outside its native range except in the region of interest E. Unknown
In comments & citations, provide examples of other regions (continents, countries, or island groups) where escaped, with pertinent habitats where known.
The following are some reproductive characteristics typical ofpotential noxious weeds; consider which of these characterize this species.
Select the letter that best describes the reproductive characteristics of this species:
A. Exhibits three or more of the above characteristics B. Exhibits two of the above characteristics C. Exhibits one of the above characteristics D. Has none of the above characteristics or weakly exhibits a few characteristics E. Unknown
See the Resources page for links to species biology information.
In addressing the questions in this section, consider how this species inflicts economic losses, damages, or costs in the region of interest.
Given the current state of knowledge regarding impacts of this species,select the one letter below that best describes the level of economic impact to production:
A. Causes, or has potential to cause, high impacts to production by reducing yield, commodity value, or increasing production costs. B. Causes, or has potential to cause, moderate impacts to productionby reducing yield, commodity, value, or increasing production costs. C. Causes, or has potential to cause, low impacts to productionby reducing yield, commodity, value, or increasing production costs. D. Causes few, if any, economic impacts to production. E. Unknown
In the comments and citations field, comment on… production suffering impact and the losses, damages or management costs due to the species under assessment.
Given the current state of knowledge regarding impacts of this species, select the one letter below that best describes the level of economic impact to outdoor recreation:
A. Causes, or has potential to cause, high negative impacts to outdoor recreation. B. Causes, or has potential to cause, moderate negative impacts to outdoor recreation. C. Causes, or has potential to cause, low negative impacts to outdoor recreation. D. Causes few, if any, economic impacts to outdoor recreation. E. Unknown
In the comments and citations field, describe how the species impacts recreational values such as ability of a site to support recreation or aesthetic enjoyment(for example, does the species impact user experience of birding, wildlife watching, hunting, fishing, boating, swimming, hiking, nature appreciation, etc.).
Given the current state of knowledge regarding impacts of this species,select the one letter below that best describes the level of economic impact to personal property, human safety, or public infrastructure:
A. Causes, or has potential to cause, high impacts to private property, human safety, or public infrastructure. B. Causes, or has potential to cause,moderate impacts to private property, human safety, or public infrastructure. C. Causes, or has potential to cause,low impacts to private property, human safety, or public infrastructure. D. Causes few, if any, impacts to private property, human safety, or public infrastructure. E. Unknown
*Property not captured in Item 17
In the comments and citations field, comment on how the species may damage housing, driveways, lawns, gardens, and other property; how human safety may be impacted (for example, an increase in fire severity by a Phragmites or cogon grass infestation; dune destabilization by beach vitex; etc.); or damages to public infrastructure such as roadways, pipelines, utilities equipment, etc.
Select the one letter below that best describes the level of economic impact to natural areas:
A. Causes, or has potential to cause, high impacts to natural areas/parks/public lands by reducing value or increasing management costs. B. Causes, or has potential to cause, moderate impacts to natural areas/parks/public lands by reducing value or increasing management costs. C. Causes, or has potential to cause, low impacts to natural areas/parks/public lands by reducing value or increasing management costs. D. Causes few, if any, economic impacts to natural areas/parks/public lands. E. Unknown
In the comments and citations field, comment on costs to manage the species in order to meet the conservation or recreational goals of public lands.
In addressing the questions in this section, consider how feasible and appropriate known controls are for use in conservation areas and other native species habitats.
Given the current state of knowledge regarding management methods, how difficult is it to control an established stand of this species?
Select the one letter below that best describes the difficulty to control an established stand:
A. Managing this species normally requires a major, long-term investment of human and/or financial resources or is not possible with available technology (e.g., >$500 per acre/year) B. Management requires a major short-term investment of human and financial resources, or a moderate long-term investment (e.g., $100-$500/acre/year) C. Management is relatively easy and inexpensive; requires a minor investment in human and financial resources (e.g., <$100 per acre/year) D. Managing this species is not necessary (e.g., species does not persist without repeated human disturbance and/or reintroduction or will not survive natural succession) E. Unknown
In the comments and citations field, comment on both the difficulty of control and on the extent of existing knowledge regarding the management of this species. Keep such comments brief -- do not provide detail on control methods.
What is the minimum time commitment needed to control this species (e.g., reduction to acceptable levels which can be maintained with little effort), including follow-up survey and monitoring? Consider longevity of propagule (e.g. seed, shoots, or roots) banks as appropriate, and include time necessary for restoration if this is necessary.
Select the one letter below that best describes the minimum time commitment for controlling a 1-acre site:
A. Control requires at least 10 years B. Control requires 7-10 years C. Control requires 3-7 years D. Control can normally be accomplished in 3 years E. Unknown
Do the effective methods for managing this species normally cause significant and persistent reductions in the abundance of non-target species (i.e.,native species, crops, etc. Sometimes referred to as collateral or non-target damage)?
Select the one letter below that best describes the collateral damage of control methods:
A. Management impacts often severe, with the only effective methods for managing this species normally causing significant and persistent reductions in the abundance of native species (>75% of the time)s B. Management impacts moderate, with the only effective methods for managing this species reducing native species abundance or causing other unacceptable damage 25 – 75% of the time C. Management impacts minor, with the only effective methods causing significant persistent reductions in native species abundance <25% of the time D. Management impacts insignificant or rare, with effective control methods rarely or never causing significant reductions in native species abundance, or causing only ephemeral reductions (lasting <2 years) E. Unknown
File(s) you selected:
This is the final assessment question. Clicking "Continue" will send your assessment to the Noxious Weed Steering Committee for review.
Accepted botanical names, reported distribution in Virginia, nativity, habitat and growth characteristics, photos
Accepted botanical names plus helpful crosswalk of synonyms; distribution, species status (listed as noxious or invasive, etc.), photos, and often illustrations
Please note: the listing is not complete.
Aportal to everything invasive
CABI Invasive Species Compendium
Excellent summaries of published data on invasive species
Citizen scientists and other contribute species locations
Botanical names, maps, etc.
Most large universities library website will allow anyone to search journals. Abstracts are usually accessible without a login. Without access, you can go to the library and request the article. I use
Clear, complete citations allow others to find your sources of information and verify them. People write books (or websites: on how to write citations, but generally:
Who (wrote/said it).When (the year). What (title of article or book). Where (was it published/where can I find it).
Author(s). Date of publication (year). Title. Publication name. Volume (Number): page number range.
Fahrig L. 2013. Rethinking patch size and isolation effects: the habitat amount hypothesis. Journal of Biogeography 40:1649-1663
Vitousek PM, D’Antonio CM, Loope LL, Westbrooks R. 1996. Biological invasions as a global environmental change. Am. Sci.; 84:468–478
Begon M, Townsend CR, Harper JL. 2005. Ecology: From individuals, to ecosystems. 4th Edition. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell
IUCN. 2015. The IUCN red list of threatened species. [Accessed 13 April 2017]
Author, A.A. (Year, Month Date of Publication). Article title. Retrieved from URL
Heffernan, K. 2017. Personal communication.