Planning, designing and building Virginia's outdoor recreation future.
Outdoor recreation supports a high quality of life, attracts tourists, and sustains the well-being of Virginia’s residents and guests. According to the Outdoor Industry Association, outdoor recreation in Virginia generates $21.9 billion in consumer spending annually and directly provides 197,000 jobs.
Through the RTP and LWCF grant programs, DCR has coordinated the funding of and provided technical assistance to local parks and recreation departments throughout the Commonwealth. Since 1967, DCR has administered LWCF grant funding for more than 450 projects where grant recipients have matched grant funding by 50 percent or more. Since the 1990's DCR has administered the RTP grant funding for more than 300 trails projects where grant recipients have matched grant funding by 20 percent or more.
The agency’s Virginia Outdoors Plan provides policy and planning guidance to public and private sectors so they may better manage recreational resources and outdoor and open spaces. DCR also coordinates a broad range of recreational and environmental programs throughout Virginia. These include: