The Commonwealth’s Chief Resilience Officer and Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources directed the Director of the Department of Conservation and Recreation to establish the Resilience Coordination Working Group (RCWG). The RCWG was convened in 2023.
Its focus was improving the flood resilience of both human and natural systems and infrastructures across the entire Commonwealth. It was charged to consider and assess strategies and policies for the Commonwealth to:
The RCWG reported recommendations from their examination of these items to the Governor and General Assembly in 2023.
The Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Center for Public Policy (CPP) facilitated the RCWG with financial support from the Commonwealth Center for Recurrent Flooding Resiliency (CCRFR).
Download the full Resilience Coordination Working Group Final Report and Recommendations.
Download the abbreviated Resilience Coordination Working Group Final Recommendations.
The RCWG convened for the first time in January 2023, and met monthly. All meetings were public and posted to the DCR Dam Safety & Floodplain Management Calendar as well as the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall. Meetings included the opportunity for public comment.