Mesic upland forest, swamps, and marshes of the Northwest River Natural Area Preserve line the lower reaches of the Northwest River in Chesapeake, Virginia. This preserve is home to rare species, such as the silky camelia and canebrake rattlesnake of the upland forests, Dismal Swamp southeastern shrew, epiphytic sedge, and dukes skipper (Euphyes dukesi) of the swamps, and sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense), winged seedbox, and little grass frog of the marshes.
This preserve has no public access facilities. The shoreline can be easily explored by boat and several public boat landings are within easy paddling range.
The acquisition of this preserve was made possible through partial funding from the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program at the Department of Environmental Quality through Grant # NA37OZ0360-01 and NA47OZ0287-01 of the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended.
Shannon Alexander, Coastal Region Steward
Department of Conservation and Recreation
Division of Natural Heritage
Melfa, VA
(757) 710-3428.