Federal and State Grants
Agricultural Conservation Easement Program:
- Administered by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
- Provides financial assistance to eligible partners for purchasing Agricultural Land Easements that protect the agricultural use and conservation values of eligible land.
- Eligible partners include Indian tribes, state and local governments, and non-governmental organizations that have farmland or grassland protection programs.
- NRCS may contribute up to 50% of the fair market value of the Agricultural Land Easement. Where NRCS determines that grasslands of special environmental significance will be protected, NRCS may contribute up to 75% of the fair market value of the Agricultural Land Easement.
- Contact: Charles Simmons, Easement Coordinator, USDA NRCS, Charles.simmons@usda.gov, 804-287-1677.
American Battlefield Acquisition Grants:
- DCR serves as a pass-through entity for this National Park Service program.
- The federal Land and Water Conservation Fund supports the permanent protection of threatened historic battlefield lands through the American Battlefield Protection Program’s (ABPP) Battlefield Land Acquisition Grants.
- To be eligible, the property must be at least 50% within the boundary of one of the battlefields identified in the 1993 Report on the Nation's Civil War Battlefields, or in the 2007 Revolutionary War and War of 1812 Historic Preservation Study. The land must also be outside the boundaries of any National Park Service unit legislative boundary.
- State or local government entities are eligible to apply, and nonprofits may act as sub recipients of grant funds.
- Each grant requires a dollar-for-dollar non-federal match.
- Contact: Kellie Seaton, Recreation Grants Coordinator, DCR, recreationgrants@dcr.virginia.gov, 804-786-1119.
Clean Water Financing and Assistance - Land Conservation Loan Program
- The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, on behalf of the State Water Control Board, manages the Virginia Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund.
- Funds the acquisition or permanent conservation of land that (1) protects or improves water quality and prevents the pollution of state waters, and (2) protects the natural or open-space values of the property or ensures its availability for agricultural, forest, recreational or open-space use.
- Repayment schedules of 20, 25 or 30 years are available, depending on the project type.
- Contact: Karen Doran, Program Manager of the Clean Water Financing and Assistance Program, DEQ, karen.doran@deq.virginia.gov, 804-698-4133.
Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program:
- Federal program administered on the state level by the Virginia Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Program at DEQ.
- Provides funding for the acquisition and conservation of coastal and estuarine land with significant ecological values that can be effectively managed and protected.
- To be eligible for this annual funding opportunity, the Virginia CZM Program, with the assistance of its conservation partners, developed a Virginia CELCP Plan. The plan outlines Virginia’s conservation priorities within the coastal zone.
- Contact: Ryan Green, Manager of the Virginia CZM Program, DEQ, ryan.green@deq.virginia.gov, 804-698-4323.
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program
- State cost-share payments are administered through local soil and water conservation district (SWCD) offices. Federal reimbursement is made through the Farm Service Agency.
- Aims to improve Virginia's water quality and wildlife habitat by offering rental payments to farmers who voluntarily restore riparian buffers, filter strips and wetlands through the installation of approved conservation practices. State cost-share payments are administered through local SWCD offices.
- The state will reimburse up to 25%, not to exceed $200 per acre of restored buffer or wetland, of conservation practice costs deemed eligible by the local SWCD. There is also a 25% state income tax credit for out-of-pocket expenses, thus further reducing the landowner's cost.
- Federal reimbursement is for up to 50 percent of a participant's eligible expenses for implementing best management practices (BMPs), such as fencing or alternative watering systems.
- Contact: Darryl Glover, Director of the Division of Soil and Water Conservation, DCR, darryl.glover@dcr.virginia.gov, 804-786-7119.
Get Outdoors
- Administered by the Virginia Outdoors Foundation.
- Provides grants for projects that increase equitable access to safe open space in Virginia’s communities. Some examples of costs that can be covered include infrastructure, planning and capacity building.
- Contact: Emily White, Grant Program Manager, Virginia Outdoors Foundation, ewhite@vof.org, 434-282-7054.
Forest Legacy Program:
- Federal program administered on the state level by the Virginia Department of Forestry, and funded by the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
- Protects private forests by paying for their acquisition or an easement. Land must be within a designated Forest Legacy Area to qualify.
- Grants require a 25% non-federal match.
- Contact: Justin Altice, Working Lands Conservation Program Coordinator, DOF, justin.altice@dof.virginia.gov, 434-534-4087.
Historic Resources Incentives and Grants
- The Virginia Department of Historic Resources administers various programs that offer funding for historic preservation.
- Programs offer funding for easements, acquisition, maintenance, and restoration of historic resources.
- Contact: For easements and rehabilitation tax credits: Megan Melinat, Manager, Office of Preservation Incentives, megan.melinat@dhr.virginia.gov, 804-482-6455. For the Virginia Battlefield Preservation Fund: Wendy Musumeci, Easement Program Coordinator, Wendy.Musumeci@dhr.virginia.gov, 804-482-6096.
Land and Water Conservation Fund – State and Local Grant Funding
- Federal program administered on the state level by DCR.
- Provides funding for the acquisition and development of public outdoor recreation areas and facilities.
- These grants are for public bodies only.
- Towns, cities, counties, regional park authorities and state agencies may apply for 50% matching fund assistance. This is a reimbursement program meaning that the sponsoring agency should be capable of financing the project while requesting periodic reimbursement.
- Contact: Kristal McKelvey, Recreation Grants Manager, DCR, kristal.mckelvey@dcr.virginia.gov, 804-508-8896.
National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program:
- Administered by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).
- Protects, restores and enhances coastal wetland ecosystems and associated uplands.
- States along the coasts or Great Lakes are eligible.
- If the state has established a fund for acquiring coastal wetlands, other natural areas, or open space, then NCWCG funds can be used to cover up to 75% of the cost of a project. If the state has not created such a fund, states are eligible to receive funding to cover up to 50% of the cost of a project.
- Contact: Mark Cookson, USFWS, Region 5 Coordinator, mark_cookson@fws.gov, 413-253-8657.
North American Wetland Conservation Act:
- Administered by the USFWS.
- Supports the protection of bird populations and wetland habitat.
- Grants require a 50% non-federal match.
- Contact for Standard Grants proposals: Stacy Sanchez, U.S. Standard Grants Program Coordinator, USFWS, stacy_sanchez@fws.gov, 703-358-2017. Contact for Small Grants proposals: Rodecia McKnight, Small Grants Program Coordinator, USFWS, rodecia_mcknight@fws.gov, 703-358-2266.
Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program
- The Virginia CZM Program office at DEQ administers the program's annual grant award from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Service, Office for Coastal Management.
- Among other projects, CZM grants can be used to fund the fee simple acquisition of property, the purchase of conservation easements, or the cost of habitat restoration.
- CZM grants used for the above projects require a 50% non-federal match.
- Contact: Ryan Green, Manager of the Virginia CZM Program, DEQ, Ryan.Green@deq.virginia.gov, 804-698-4258
Virginia Land Conservation Fund
- Administered by the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation.
- Aims to conserve certain categories of land: open spaces and parks, natural areas, historic areas, farmland and forests.
- The grant can cover up to 50% of the total project cost and 100% for state agencies and tribes.
- Contact: Suzan Bulbulkaya, Land Conservation Manager, DCR, suzan.bulbulkaya@dcr.virginia.gov, 804-371-5218.
Virginia Open-Space Lands Preservation Trust Fund
- Administered by the Virginia Outdoors Foundation.
- Provides grants to localities or landowners for the protection of open space that offers a wide range of public benefits. Public Access grants are available for projects that result in new or expanded open space that is available to the public for recreation or education. Easement Assistance grants may cover legal fees, appraisals, surveys, partial purchase and other costs associated with conveying an open-space easement.
- Contact: Emily White, Grant Program Manager, Virginia Outdoors Foundation, ewhite@vof.org, 434-282-7054.
Virginia Recreational Trails Fund:
- On the state level, this federal matching reimbursement program is administered by DCR.
- Provides federal funds for building and rehabilitating trails and trail related facilities. Funds may also be used to acquire land that is part of a trail development project.
- Funding may be provided to private organizations, local governments, other government entities, and federal agencies if teamed with private trail groups and organizations.
- Requires an applicant match of 20% of the cost of the project. This is a reimbursement program, so the applicant must be able to cover the initial costs.
- Contact: Kristal McKelvey, Recreation Grants Manager, DCR, kristal.mckelvey@dcr.virginia.gov, 804-508-8896.
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