The documents below cover training on DCR's Agricultural Best Management Practices Cost-Share Program for Virginia's soil and water conservation districts.
VACS 101
Administration training is for district staff and directors who oversee, manage and maintain various programs and systems. Training is provided through subject-specific sessions that include but are not limited to: compliance with state and federal laws; the Virginia Conflict of Interests Act; the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; personnel management; education and outreach programs; strategic planning; Resource Management Plans; the Virginia Procurement Act; and the Virginia Agricultural Cost-Share and Tax Credit programs.
Additionally, reference tools are provided for general district operations, financial management, personnel management, and the Virginia Agricultural Cost-Share and Tax Credit programs.
All soil and water conservation districts are required to accommodate an annual audit of accounts of receipts and disbursements in accordance with the Code of Virginia Section 10.1-535. The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation contracts to have each district audited on a two-year rotating basis.
To help address this requirement, bookkeeping training is provided to districts and DCR staff related to basic accounting procedures and the use of QuickBooks for proper preparation of financial reports.
New soil and water conservation district directors are expected to attend orientation training within six months of qualifying for office. Qualifying involves directors taking the oath of office. DCR provides director orientation in two phases. Phase 1 available online and can be completed at any time. In partnership with the Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (VASWCD), Phase I utilizes their Director Leadership course found here: https://vaswcd.org/leadership-course/. Topics include History of the Conservation Movement, Conservation Programs, Director Roles, Partnerships, Fiduciary and Legal Responsibilities, Ethics and more. Phase 2 is delivered regionally by DCR staff and provides new directors an opportunity to learn from and network with veteran directors. Phase 2 concludes with case studies specific to issues that directors may be faced with while serving on a district board of directors. Participants are provided with a complimentary binder that consists of resources and quick guides. After completing both phases, participants receive a certificate issued by DCR.
Although designed for new directors, veteran directors, associate directors and district staff may complete the director orientation course.
Director training sessions prepare directors for supervising and directing local soil and water conservation districts. Director training sessions are held throughout the year and are specifically geared toward directors, providing them with important information, methods and ideas on managing staff and resources. Topics may include personnel management, district fiscal responsibility, communication of district values and the director orientation course. All resources provided to directors during these training are available on this page.
SWCD Director Resource Notebook 2024
Download and view Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Personnel Training Topics and Courses for lists of mandatory and recommended courses for district staff and directors. Some courses are online; others must be taken in-person.
Mandatory and recommended training for SWCD directors and staffers is available on the COVLC, an online course-delivery application. DCR has set up a domain there just for director and staff training. Other training that may be of interest also is available through the website.
New users must request credentials to log into the COVLC. Download COVLC User Access Request for Districts for details on how to get a required username and password.
Contact Carl Thiel-Goin, 804-887-8915, for help.