The DSIS application enables users to access information about all dams in Virginia that DCR tracks. Depending on the level of access granted, users may use DSIS to view, edit, download, upload and enter information related to the dams. Users with a “participant role” can even apply for key regulatory documents online. Those now having a participant role can apply for and submit certificates, permits, emergency plans and inspections. They may also update contact information and view dam details maintained by DCR. Any member of the public may also apply for read-only access to information about individual dams and sets of dams.
Those wanting access to DSIS must first submit this form.
DSIS application. DSIS works best in Chrome and Firefox; it doesn’t work in Internet Explorer or on mobile devices.
To help user work with DSIS, DCR developed the following training material and reference documents:
The geographic data layers contained throughout, and any associated maps, applications and property information (collectively referred to as “data”) accessed from the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation's Dam Safety Inventory System (DSIS) are provided as a public resource. Data layers have been incorporated into DSIS from the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Weather Service (NWS), United States Geological Survey (USGS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Virginia Information Technologies Agencies (VITA) Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN) Geospatial Services and Esri. All information obtained from DSIS is provided “as is,” and no warranties, express or implied, relating to the data, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are made. You, the user, accept all risks that the data may not meet any or all user expectations. DCR has made reasonable efforts to ensure that the data are correct, however, no guarantee is made as to the positional, thematic or other accuracy of the data. Any determination of topography or contours or any depiction of physical improvements, property lines or boundaries are solely for general information and shall not be used, or relied upon, in the design, modification, or construction of improvements to real property or for resource protection area or flood plain determination. The data is not a legal representation of information depicted and, as such, has no legal bearing on the true shape, size, area, location or existence of the real property depicted. The data should not substitute for a professional survey or deed research. Neither DCR nor any entity whose data is incorporated into DSIS (entity) assumes any responsibility for any errors, deficiencies, defects, omissions or inaccuracies in the data. Neither DCR nor any other entity shall be liable to the user, or to any other person, for any actions; claims; incidental, consequential or special damages – including loss of facilities (computer resources, stored data), lost profits, business interruption, loss of business information or other pecuniary loss; or judgments arising out of, or in connection with, the use or misuse, reliance on, or performance of the data. The user of this information assumes all liability for use of any data obtained. Again, the data provided, including any emergency alerts, generated by DSIS is for information purposes only. By signing into DSIS, you, the user, accept all terms and conditions presented and agree to this disclaimer in its entirety.
Users should check for updates as data and supporting documents will be added and routinely changed, so some information might become outdated. Users shouldn’t wait long before using the application once they’ve gotten its data and supporting documents.