Effective engagement of Virginians impacted by flooding is a central component of building resilience to flooding impacts.
DCR’s Office of Resilience Planning conducts outreach to:
The Office of Resilience Planning issues a quarterly email newsletter to share information about our ongoing work and opportunities to provide your input to the plans. Prior issues of the newsletter are posted to the DCR Dam Safety and Floodplain Management calendar.
Non-governmental organizations working to build flood resilience in Virginia’s communities are invited to join our monthly outreach and engagement coordination call, occurring on the second Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. Click here to receive the meeting invitation.
We invite the public to participate in every step of the process to create plans that serve the unique needs of communities throughout the commonwealth. With this in mind, DCR has developed a Community Outreach and Engagement Plan (COEP).
Community Outreach and Engagement Plan
The COEP is DCR’s framework for conducting outreach and engagement in developing its flood resilience plans. It includes guiding principles, goals, and expected outcomes for engaging stakeholders in plan development. DCR will use the COEP to guide specific strategies and actions for outreach and engagement used for each plan. Specifically, this framework will serve as the foundation of the outreach and engagement strategy for: