Northumberland | DCR | 144 | Yes |
At the mouth of Bush Mill Stream freshwater meets the saltwater of the Great Wicomico River. Fresh to brackish tidal marshes and mud flats are hidden between the steep-sided forested shores of this upper Coastal Plain stream. The quiet waters are home and resting area for an abundance of waterfowl and wading birds, including colonial nesting birds and raptors. At all times of the year, but particularly when parents are feeding their young, the marshes and adjacent tidal mud flats attract large numbers of great blue herons.
This remote reach of stream and river is an excellent example of a habitat that once was abundant in the Chesapeake Bay drainage. Several ancient oaks and large mountain laurel remain in the mostly second-growth forest of this preserve. The preserve protects outstanding examples of Northern Coastal Plain / Piedmont Oak - Beech / Heath Forest and Coastal Plain / Outer Piedmont Acidic Seepage Swamp, the latter being home to Virginia's largest population of the rare bog fern (Coryphopteris simulata), a northern species near its southernmost limit in Virginia.
Access can be gained by foot or canoe. Public access facilities are open during daylight hours and include trails, a boardwalk, a wildlife viewing platform and interpretive signs.
A preserve guide factsheet and map are available to assist in planning your visit.
From Kilmarnock, go north on VA 200 towards Burgess. In Wicomico Church, turn left onto VA 609. Turn right onto VA 610, and then left onto VA 642. Follow VA 642 until you see the sign for Bush Mill Stream.
Initial interpretive signs at this preserve were funded by the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program at the Department of Environmental Quality through Grant #NA57OZ0561-01 of the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended.
CONTACT:Zach Bradford, Chesapeake Bay Region Steward