Sweet Run Master Plan Public Meetings
Sweet Run State Park is creating its first master plan! DCR will host two public meetings to prepare for the park's future: an in-person meeting on March 11 and a virtual meeting on March 26. These meetings will introduce the park and the planning process.
Learn MoreNonpoint source pollution
Some pollution comes from many diffuse sources - lawns, farms, city streets, etc. Rainfall flushes it into streams, rivers and even the Chesapeake. Help fight it.
Learn MoreInvasive plants
English ivy may be posh but it doesn't belong here. Invasive species devastate natives and natural habitat. Learn about defeating these invaders and using native species instead.
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Serving a diverse commonwealth rich in nature and culture, the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation touches all Virginians' lives.
As the state's lead conservation agency, DCR protects what Virginians care about – open space, clean water, natural habitat, safe infrastructure and access to the outdoors.