Virginia Department of Conservation and RecreationAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know
Virginia’s rich Cultural and Historical resources represent a significant component of the state’s economic well-being. Heritage tourism is an important driver of Virginia’s economy, generating almost $7.7 billion a year, according to a study commissioned by Preservation Virginia (PDF) and conducted by the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University. The Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program alone in 2014 resulted in $467 million in economic output, supported 9,960 jobs and generated $3.50 for every $1 invested through the first three years.
The Cultural and Historic Preservation category includes lands designated as National Historic Landmarks, listed in the National Register of Historic Places or the Virginia Landmarks Register, and sites or properties with Federal or DHR Board determinations of Eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places. These designations indicate properties of high national or state historic significance.
Lands in this category also include battlefield Core and Study areas classified by the National Park Service American Battlefield Protection Program (ABPP) as Priority 1 or 2 and Class A or B or unprioritized Class A or B, where “Priority” captures integrity and threat and “Class” represents historic significance. Class A and B battlefields represent principal strategic operations, and therefore capture historic significance.
Also included in the Cultural and Historic Preservation category are sites and properties that have been found to be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places within the past nine years by the Department of Historic Resources. This allows for places that are historically significant, yet have not undergone the full listing process (which may require time and expense), to be included.
Finally, sites and properties may be individually designated as having High Preservation Potential by the Department of Historic Resources. This allows for properties that may not yet have been thoroughly documented or evaluated to be added as preservation priorities based on historical research, community values, or other factors. The resource areas in the Cultural & Historic Preservation category represent a total of 1,450,960 acres. Note: Within the Cultural and Historic Preservation category, lands already protected by an historic preservation and open-space easement held by the Virginia Board of Historic Resources are considered to be protected and not included.
Cultural and Historic | YES/NO - DHR-identified high priority cultural and historic resources included |
Map Date | Map creation date |
Deed Requirement | Required protections to meet ConserveVirginia Standards |
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