The Office of Land Conservation administers the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation grant program and is responsible for verifying the conservation value of Land Preservation Tax Credit applications when the donor claims a tax credit of $1 million or more.
The Real Property Office also works with the State Parks and Natural Heritage Divisions to delineate and enforce boundaries for these DCR-owned lands. The Office works with landowners near parks and natural area preserves to protect properties with open-space easements and to provide stewardship for those easements.
In addition, other divisions at DCR also contribute to land conservation in Virginia. The Division of Natural Heritage is integral in developing and maintaining many tools for identifying and prioritizing land conservation.
The Office of Planning and Recreation Resources manages federal land conservation grant programs (Land and Water Conservation Fund, Recreational Trails Program, and American Battlefield Protection Program) and is responsible for developing the Virginia Outdoors Plan. This comprehensive plan helps guide land conservation, outdoor recreation and open-space planning and provides guidance for the protection of lands through the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation.