The Public Safety and Law Enforcement Staff members, referred to as Law Enforcement Rangers, are dedicated, highly trained, and giving professionals. Daily, they exhibit the true essence of "Community Policing," not through check sheets and expensive media programs, but by caring for their fellow staff, the guests and visitors, and the resources under their care. They get to know the park up close and personal over extended periods of time and manage the natural resources with knowledge and experience. They are trained in search and rescue and wildfire management as well as perform park maintenance tasks such as trail management, repair and maintenance, and boundary management.
DCR's Law Enforcement Rangers receive the same training as other state, county and municipal law enforcement officers overseen by the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) under § 9.1-102. Upon completion of an approved academy, passing of the state certification exam and completing required field training, they are commissioned as law enforcement officers (6VAC20-130-20), who have the authority throughout the Commonwealth (§ 10.1-115) with a focus on DCR related matters. This allows our Law Enforcement Rangers to provide full-service law enforcement for DCR and support our community partners and peers when needed. The Law Enforcement Rangers must also complete annual in-service training, including defensive tactics, handcuffing, firearms, legal updates and policies. The Public Safety and Law Enforcement Staff has law enforcement instructors, certified by DCJS, on staff to carry out this training.
The primary difference between DCR's Law Enforcement Rangers and other law enforcement officers is that they have a primary focus on the safety of the employees, guests and resources of Virginia's State Parks and Natural Heritage Areas. Additionally, they perform duties that support operation of the parks and heritage areas, such as trail maintenance.