Stafford | Stafford,DCR,NVCT | 3,344 | Yes |
The protection of Crow's Nest is arguably one of Virginia's highest land conservation achievements, becoming a reality in 2008 with the first acquisition of 1,762 acres. In 2009, the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation and Stafford County added 1,110 acres. The Northern Virginia Conservation Trust (NVCT) dedicated their Potomac Creek Heronry parcel as an addition to the preserve in 2018 and their Potomac Hills parcel in 2020, bringing the total area of Virginia's 54th state natural area preserve to 3,056 acres. Funding for the original two tracts came from a variety of sources including DCR, Stafford County, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and the Aquatic Resources Trust fund of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, The Nature Conservancy, and the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation.
Crow's Nest is, simply, a beautiful place and considered highly significant from numerous standpoints. Topography is varied, with the high narrow ridgeline rising 160 feet above two tidally influenced creeks: Potomac and Accokeek. The peninsula is deeply dissected on both its northern and southern flanks by a series of deep ravines cutting into ancient coastal plain marine sediments and feeding tidal marshes along the bordering creeks.
Crow's Nest Natural Area Preserve supports:
There are two access options for visitors to Crow's Nest Natural Area Preserve. The Raven Road Access point features an 18-car parking area and 8 miles of hiking trails within the forested interior of Crow's Nest via an improved 1.6-mile long entrance road. The Raven Road Access is open Thursday-Sunday. The Brooke Road Access point offers parking for 20 cars, a shoreline birding/nature trail to viewpoints of Accokeek Creek, and an ADA-accessible canoe/kayak launch facility serving as a trailhead for the Crow's Nest Water Trail. The Brooke Road Access is open 7 days a week.
Public Access Hours:
March 15 - October 31: 8:00 AM until 8:00 PM
November 1 - March 14: 8:00 AM until 5:30 PM
From I-95 take the Stafford Exit (exit 140). Take Route 630 (Courthouse Road) one mile east to Stafford (intersection of 630 and U.S. 1). Cross U.S. 1 and continue east on Route 630 for about 2.5 miles. Turn right onto Route 629 (Andrew Chapel Road) and continue for 0.9 mile. Go under the railroad overpass at the community of Brooke and turn left onto Route 608 (Brooke Road). Continue for 1.4 miles, then turn right onto gravel Route 609 (Raven Road). Cross the 1-lane bridge over Accokeek Creek and continue for 0.2 mile. The Raven Road Access gate for Crow's Nest Natural Area Preserve will be on the left.
To reach the Brooke Road Access point continue on Route 608 (Brooke Road) past Route 609 (Raven Road) for 1.5 miles. The parking area will be on the right.
Check the list of FAQ for more information.
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Here is another Facebook page for fans of Crow's Nest: https://www.facebook.com/CrowsNestNAP
Part of the acquisition of this preserve was funded by the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program at the Department of Environmental Quality through Grant # CELCP of the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended.