Virginia Department of Conservation and RecreationAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know
Virginia’s working farms and forests, battlefields and other historic sites, natural areas, parks and rivers are critical to its economy, culture and quality of life. In 1999, the assembly and governor established the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation (VLCF) to fund protection of these resources. The interactive map below depicts VLCF-grant projects funded since 2000.
Name: | Pitchers for the Public |
Category: | Forestland Preservation |
Grant Round: | FY12 |
Acres: | 17 |
Locality: | Caroline County |
Management Agency: | Caroline County |
Owner: | Private |
ConserveVirginia: | None |
Amount Awarded: | $56,500.00 |
Applicant: | Meadowview Biological Research Station |
Latitude: | 38.14078428 |
Longitude: | -77.393447 |
Description: | Meadowview Biological Research Station was awarded $56,500 for the acquisition of 17 acres adjacent to Fort AP Hill in Caroline County to serve as Meadowview's Central Virginia Preserve. The 17 acres includes rare gravel bog habitat and the adjacent uplands. The property was to undergo habitat restoration through mechanical clearing, chemical site treatments, and prescribed fire to enhance indigenous rare plants found on the properties. The site is used for guided tours, research, educational, and recreational purposes. |