In accordance with the Code of Virginia, the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation is preparing a master plan for Lake Anna State Park located in Spotsylvania, VA. The purpose of a master plan is to guide the management and development of a park by identifying natural, cultural and physical resources, as well as identifying park needs and engaging with the public.
Lake Anna State Park is centrally located on one of Virginia’s premier freshwater lakes, and its proximity to rapidly expanding population centers places it in a unique position within the Virginia State Park system. The park consists of 2,810 acres and is renowned for its beach and boating activities. It also attracts visitors from near and far who are inspired to visit the park to enjoy its beautiful scenery, rich history and ample recreational opportunities.
The Department of Conservation and Recreation held a public comment meeting on October 17, 2024, at the Louisa County Public Library. The meeting gave the public an opportunity to learn more about the Lake Anna State Park Master Plan update currently underway, including the results of public opinion surveys, the Visitor Experience findings, mission statement and themes, the goals and objectives of the Master Plan, the proposed Master Plan Map depicting locations of proposed improvements within the park, and the Phased Development Plan showing proposed improvements by phase.
Meeting Presentation
Lake Anna State Park Master Plan Development map
Lake Anna State Park Visitor Center area map
This public meeting follows a Department of Conservation and Recreation hosted public information meeting held on February 12, 2024.
The February 2024 meeting took place in the Spotsylvania County board room located on the first floor of the Holbert Building, 9104 Courthouse Road, Spotsylvania, VA, 22553.
DCR staff provided more information about the master planning process for the park, and attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and provide comments after the presentation. The following topics were be covered:
The meeting was broadcast on local cable; the recording can be found at the link below. https://www.regionalwebtv.com/spotsybos.
A state park master plan is a guide for the development, utilization and management of a state park and its natural, cultural and historic resources. The purpose of the master plan is to establish goals, objectives, and recommendations for prioritizing new, improved, and expanded park facilities and services.
Following the acquisition of land for a new state park or prior to undertaking substantial improvements to an existing state park (valued at $2 million or more) that are not already included in that park’s current master plan, the plan must be reviewed and updated at least once every 10 years. The plan recommends and prioritizes improvements at the park for the next 30 years.
The process typically takes about 18-24 months, although it may take longer in the case of a new park. The public’s role is to provide comments and insights on the park's needs and visitors' expectations, particularly by attending public meetings (whether in-person or virtually) and completing the public input survey to tell us what the park does well and, conversely, what needs improvement.
In a word, yes. The experiences of the visitors to Virginia state parks are of the utmost importance in planning for new or expanded facilities, enhancing interpretive programming, and meeting the recreation needs of users. The master plan will aim to address the shared needs of visitors, as expressed in the survey responses we receive. Your comments count!
Funding for capital development in the master plan is subject to appropriations from the General Assembly and approval of the Governor. Additionally, the General Assembly may authorize general obligation bonds for state park acquisition and development as part of a voter-approved bond referendum that occurred most recently in 2002.