In accordance with the Code of Virginia, the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation is preparing a Master Plan for Machicomoco State Park and the neighboring Middle Peninsula unit located in Gloucester County, VA. The purpose of a Master Plan is to guide the management and development of a park by identifying natural, cultural and physical resources; identifying park needs; and engaging with the public.
The park properties are located along the York River and are closely situated to other historically significant sites such as the Werowocomoco archaeological site, the Captain John Smith National Historic Trail and the Yorktown Battlefield at Colonial National Historical Park. Machicomoco means “a special meeting place” and is Virginia’s 40th state park.
The Department of Conservation and Recreation hosted a public information meeting on November 20, 2024 to present the draft master plan. The presentation included:
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The Department of Conservation and Recreation hosted a public information meeting on December 14, 2023. The following topics were covered:
Download the presentation
View the meeting (YouTube)