There are many opportunities for different trail users to enjoy trails on public lands. Many user groups support land managers by maintaining and monitoring the trail system. Others have the skills needed to help design and build the trails. Along with advocacy, all users can give back by leaving no trace, participating in workdays and patronizing the businesses that support the trails.
Virginia Trails Alliance
The Virginia Trails Alliance is the main advocacy organization supporting trails across the state. This unincorporated coalition of businesses, non-profits and other organizations advocates for vibrant trail systems in Virginia and for strong support for trails within the Governor’s office.
Members of BPAC meet periodically to discuss VDOT policies, standards and practices that affect the bicycling and walking community. The committee members are asked to share this information with the bicycling community and other interested groups. Meetings are open to the public. Learn More
The Virginia Bicycling Federation advocates for the interests of cyclists across the state. They support a number of local bike clubs and chapters to provide information and advocacy, lead organized rides, and promote public safety. Learn More
Although there is no statewide mountain biking organization, a number of active local and regional IMBA trail clubs maintain trails across the state. Learn More
Although there is no statewide hiking organization, a number of active local and regional trail clubs maintain sections of the Appalachian Trail and other hiking trails across the Commonwealth. Learn More
The Virginia Volkssport Association promotes the spirit of walking and events designed to appeal to all ages. Learn More
The Virginia Horse Council serves as the umbrella organization of the Virginia equine community and to monitor legislative issues affecting horsemen and horses in the Commonwealth. Learn More
The Virginia Four- Wheel Drive Association is a family- oriented, nonprofit organization promoting safe, responsible and fun four wheeling. These groups are interested in developing more trails for legal off-road use, particularly in the Eastern part of Virginia. Learn More
The Joy Trip Project is a newsgathering and reporting organization that covers outdoor recreation, environmental conservation, acts of charitable giving and practices of sustainable living. Their anti-racism resource guide provides a list of resources related to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion of Black, Indigenous and People of Color in parks and greenspaces.