
Chippokes State Park


Chippokes is listed as a part of a birding trail and is next to the Hog Island Wildlife Management Area. Because it's near the James River, salt marshes and wide open areas, Chippokes is great for birding.

Type of birds

The park attracts bald eagles, osprey, kestrels, bobwhite, meadowlarks, green herons, great blue herons, great egrets, tundra swans, wood ducks, etc.  Visit eBird for a list of bird observations at the park.

Best time of year to observe

Birding is good year-round. Those with spotting scopes can catch ducks, gulls, bald eagles and tundra swans during winter. During summer, there are many colorful warblers and other song birds. 

Best places in the park to observe

The park has no viewing platforms per se, but viewing is good from the beach, behind the visitor center and along trails.

Special birding programs and events

The park offers various nature programs about birds. 

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