
Pocahontas State Park


 As part of the Appomattox Loop on the Virginia Bird and Wildlife Trail and encompassing nearly 8,000 acres, Pocahontas State Park is home to many bird species. Bald eagles can be found along Swift Creek Lake, herons are often spotted at the Beaver Lake spillway, and various warblers and other songbirds are found in the park's deciduous forests, grassy openings and pines.

Type of birds

Geese, mallards, doves, herons, woodpeckers, phoebes, blue jays and crows are commonly seen year-round.

Best time of year to observe

Geese, cardinals, songbirds and herons are common throughout the year. Turkeys are often seen in the fall, and bluebirds are abundant in spring and summer.

Best places in the park to observe

Beaver Lake, Big Poplar, Ground Pine and Co-op trails are excellent places to spot birds.

Special birding programs and events

Introductory bird watching programs are held throughout the year, with special programs on National American Eagle Day (June 20) and World Migratory Bird Day (Second Saturday in May).

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