"Wood" You Like to Play

Location of Machicomoco State Park in Virginia


Machicomoco State Park, 3601 Timberneck Farm Road, Hayes, VA 23072.
Interpretive Area


July 20, 2024. 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

The Indigenous Peoples were well known for being quite clever in their usage of the abundant natural resources found in the woodlands and coastal region, but did you know that these tribes were also compelled to use these same resources for sport and game playing? Come join us as we explore indigenous history by playing games of chance and skill as they were invented and played so many years ago. “Wood” you like to play?! Recommended for ages 6+.

Wood you like to play trifold

We strive to make our programming and special event opportunities accessible and inclusive to all. If you have any concerns, please reach out to our front office to speak with a ranger or contact us through the park email address. We will attempt to accommodate all individuals or families for their unique circumstances and can do so best with advanced communication. 


Other details

Standard parking or admission fee applies: Yes.
Extra fee: No.
Children welcome: Yes.
Phone: 804-642-2419
Email Address: machicomoco@dcr.virginia.gov

Event types

History/Culture | Kids/Family

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