Open fires are prohibited throughout the park from midnight to 4 p.m., now through April 30. Learn more.
Firewood quarantines
Invasive insect pests and diseases threaten Virginia's forests. The transport of firewood is a primary cause for the spread of these harmful pests. That's why Virginia State Parks recommends that you do not bring your own firewood to the parks. Instead, buy it at or near the park and be sure to burn all the wood before leaving.
Quarantines have been issued by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to restrict the movement of firewood from pest-affected counties. For a plant-pest quarantine list and more information on firewood quarantines in the state, visit the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services website. There are also federal quarantines in Virginia for three insect pests.
Visit Don't Move Firewood site for details on the threats of moving firewood.