Open fires are prohibited throughout the park from midnight to 4 p.m., now through April 30. Learn more.

Friend Groups

State parks are big places that offer many amenities and recreational opportunities. It takes a lot of work to keep those offerings available, and many parks rely on friend groups to help out. Friend groups build and maintain trails, manage beautification projects, help staff visitor centers, work on educational outreach programs, and raise funds for park projects and facilities. They also help out at festivals, workshops and other park events. They're usually made up of local park supporters and typically enjoy tax-exempt status. And they're always looking for new members. To learn more about or join a nearby park's friend group, visit the web page of the park you're interested in and click on Other Info on the left side of the page.

Here's a list of parks with friend groups:

Those interested in forming a friends group will find useful guidance in DCR's Volunteer Citizen Support Group Manual.