Preserving the Past – Protecting the Future
Through an educational law enforcement approach, to protect the lives and property of our employees, visitors, and the greater community to which we belong; to preserve the natural and cultural resources of the Commonwealth; while performing these responsibilities entrusted to us with honesty, integrity, and professionalism.
To support the mission of the Department of Conservation and Recreation, the Division of State Parks, and the Division of Natural Heritage by providing professional law enforcement and public safety services.
The role of the employees with the Department of Conservation and Recreation's Public Safety and Law Enforcement Staff requires versatility, compatibility, and professionalism, combined with a dedication for protecting natural resources and ensuring access to all.
Sworn and Non-Sworn employees with the Public Safety and Law Enforcement Staff serve with professionalism. Each member strives to achieve professional accountability at the highest level. The Public Safety and Law Enforcement Staff was the first conservation and recreation law enforcement agency in the Commonwealth to gain accreditation from the Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards Commission (VLEPSC). With initial accreditation in 2010, the Public Safety and Law Enforcement Staff has maintained accreditation illustrating the organization's commitment to safety, professionalism, and the protection of resources and the people of Virginia. The Public Safety and Law Enforcement Staff has state accreditation through the Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards Commission (VLEPSC).
Pursuant to Virginia Code §§ 15.2-1609.10 and 15.2-1722.1 The Department of Conservation and Recreation is required to post the data that has been forwarded for inclusion in the Community Policing Reporting Database on a website that is maintained by the agency or on any other website on which the agency generally posts information and that is available to the public or that clearly describes how the public may access such data. To ensure transparency and compliance, the information from the Public Safety and Law Enforcement Staff is available through the Virginia Open Data Portal and the Virginia State Police:
Virginia Community Policing Act Data Collection | Virginia Open Data Portal