The Coastal Resilience Web Explorer is an interactive tool and living database for understanding impacts and ongoing efforts to address flooding. The explorer allows users to interact with products of the Coastal Resilience Master Plan through maps, data viewers and downloads, and links to external resources.
Click the logo to launch the Web Explorer.
The companion User Portal allows localities, planning district commissions, non-profits, universities, and others to submit information about their ongoing flood resilience efforts for inclusion in the Coastal Resilience Web Explorer. Learn more.
An analysis of Virginia’s current and future exposure to a range of tidal, chronic and storm surge flood conditions forecasts and maps how flooding is expected to change, and what communities and assets may be affected. See the Exposure.
Current and future flood hazards are overlaid on Virginia’s social, built and natural resources to understand the impacts of changing flood hazard exposure. Impacts are classified from low to high, and mapped to understand where the greatest challenges lie. See the Challenges.
Demographics and social vulnerability are important context for understanding how impacts may accrue among populations and communities across the Commonwealth. Demographic data is analyzed together with flood hazard exposure to visualize the areas of greatest combined social and flood exposure vulnerability. See the Community Context.
The explorer presents an inventory of flood resilience projects and initiatives that are planned or in development. Projects and initiatives are submitted for inclusion via the User Portal for the Coastal Resilience Web Explorer. This inventory is used in the development of the Coastal Resilience Master Plan. See the Projects and Initiatives.
This database provides information about applicable programs and mechanisms that would fund and support coastal resilience projects in Virginia. The funding opportunities are updated on an ongoing basis with support from DCR’s community of flood resilience partners across the coastal region. See the Funding Opportunities.
All data products for the Coastal Resilience Master Plan are being provided herein with the expressed understanding that the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) and the Commonwealth of Virginia are releasing these products at the user's own risk. This study is based on the best information, science and techniques available; however, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness or reliability of the data provided. These data are provided on an "as is" basis. Neither DCR nor the contributors of said data to the DCR shall be held liable for any use or application of the data provided whatsoever, whether or not that use is improper or incorrect, and assume no responsibility for the use or application of the data or information derived from interpretation of the data. In no event shall DCR or its collaborators be liable for any direct, indirect or incidental damages arising from the use or application of these data.
This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury, including but not limited to those caused by any failure of performance including failures resulting in personal injury or property damage, error, omission, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, alteration, use, application, analysis or interpretation of data. It is the owner's engineer and/or other end users who are expected to take all steps necessary to ensure proper use and understanding of these products and that all information is being properly interpreted and applied.
Users should check back routinely for updates as data will be added and changed periodically resulting in some data becoming out-of-date. It is recommended that the user not let a significant period of time elapse between obtaining and using the data.