The companion User Portal for the Coastal Resilience Web Explorer allows localities, planning district commissions, non-profits, universities and others to share information about their ongoing flood resilience efforts. Once approved by DCR, submitted entries to the User Portal will appear directly in the Web Explorer. The portal is designed to make it easy to share what’s going on in coastal resilience with all types of stakeholders in a format that is regularly updated.
Only projects and initiatives included in the web explorer will be considered in the Coastal Resilience Master Plan Phase II. The deadline to submit projects and initiatives to the user portal for inclusion in the plan is April 1, 2024.
Planning district commissions and local governments unable to meet the deadline due to staff capacity challenges are encouraged to contact DCR by April 1, 2024, to request technical assistance.
User Portal: https://floodplan.dcr.virginia.gov/userportal.
Get access: submit the User Access Form to DCR via email at Resilience.Explorer@dcr.virginia.gov.
Coastal Resilience Web Explorer User Portal Training