Virginia Department of Conservation and RecreationAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know
The fund was established to provide support for regions and localities across Virginia to reduce the impacts of flooding, including flooding driven by climate change.
The Resilient Virginia Revolving Fund was established in 2022 to aid communities and property owners impacted by flooding.
The Fund grants help dam owners and Virginia localities enhance public safety and reduce the risk of dam failures and property damage from flooding.
The Land and Water Conservation Fund State and Local Assistance Program
This 1965 act established a federal reimbursement program for the acquisition and/or development of public outdoor recreation areas.
Recreational Trails Program
The Recreational Trails Program is a matching reimbursement program for building and rehabilitating trails and trail facilities and land acquisition for trail projects.
Trail Access Grants
The Trail Access Grants program is a 100% reimbursement program being offered in 2021 for trail projects that increase access to trail opportunities for people with disabilities.
Virginians who are passionate about outdoor recreation, conservation practices and preserving the state’s natural areas may contribute to the Open Space Recreation and Conservation Fund by donating all, or a portion of, their state tax refunds.
The foundation was established to help fund permanent conservation easements and to purchase open spaces and parklands, lands of historic or cultural significance, farmlands and forests, and natural areas.
Virginia Agricultural BMP Cost-Share (VACS) Program
The cost-share program supports various practices in conservation planning to treat cropland, pastureland, hay land and forested land.
Best Management Practices Tax Credit Program
The Virginia Agricultural BMP Tax Credit Program supports the voluntary installation of BMPs that support Virginia's nonpoint source pollution water quality objectives and results in tax credits to the agricultural producers.
Virginia Natural Resources Commitment Funds
Organizations supporting the implementation of agricultural cost-share practices often request an in-kind grant-fund match. VRNCF funds are used to satisfy these requests.