The cost-share program supports various practices in conservation planning to treat cropland, pastureland, hay land and forested land. Some are paid for at a flat rate or straight per-acre rate. Others are cost-shared on a percentage basis of up to 100 percent. In some cases, the U.S. Department of Agriculture also pays a percentage. The cost-share program's practices can often be funded by a combination of state and federal funds, reducing the landowner‘s expense to less than 30% of the total cost.
Individuals, trusts, partnerships and other businesses seeking cost-share assistance must apply at their local soil and water conservation district. Search for districts by locality.
Because demand for cost-share assistance is great, SWCDs support the implementation of only those plans that meet local water quality guidelines. Priority ranking of practices must be used to make sure funds are spent wisely.
An individual may receive a maximum of $300,000 per year for cost-share. See the approved policy and procedures for more detail.
All practices in the program have been included because of their ability to improve or protect water quality. Many will also increase farm productivity by conserving soil and making wise use of fertilizers and other farm resources.
This document further explains cost-share program elements: