Virginia Department of Conservation and RecreationAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know
The Director’s Handbook is a resource for directors covering a various topics related to the effective management of the district. The handbook provides information on director roles and responsibilities, district administration, nonpoint source pollution and water quality, conservation programs, urban programs, and information about partners.
The handbook is provided to newly elected and appointed directors during director orientation or to active or incumbent directors who attend a director orientation course or similar session. The handbook is updated at least every four years.
Director’s Handbook, 2024 (PDF)
Soil and water conservation districts receive administration and operational support and funding for the implementation of the Virginia Agricultural Cost-Share program through the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation and the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board. State and federal funds must be administered using sound financial and accounting practices. The Desktop Procedures for District Fiscal Operations (formerly the Desktop Guide) is provided to assist districts and directors in ensuring these public funds are properly managed.
The document is a reference for SWCD directors and staff to provide information regarding their fiduciary responsibilities on topics such as cash management and cash control, personnel, payroll, procurement, credit card use, reimbursements, and more. The Desktop Procedures also provides sample policies that can be used to develop new district policies or evaluate existing policies.
Desktop Procedures for District Financial Procedures (PDF)
Title 10.1 Chapter 5 of the Code of Virginia is known as the Soil and Water Conservation Districts Law. The history of SWCDs dates back to the creation of a standard district law developed by Roosevelt’s administration in 1936. Virginia enacted the Soil Conservation Districts Law in 1938 with the formation of Virginia’s first SWCD. The law was re-codified with all other Virginia laws in 1950 by the Virginia Code Commission and was classified under Chapter 1 of Title 21 - Drainage, Soil Conservation and Public Facilities Districts. It remained there until 1988, when it was moved by the General Assembly to Title 10.1, aligning with the Virginia Department of Conservation and Historic Resources, the agency that administered the law. The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation and Historic Resources later became the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation
This section of the Code of Virginia includes the composition, duties, powers and authorities of both the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board and Virginia’s 47 soil and water conservation districts. The code serves as a guide for SWCD boards in the implementation of local and state initiatives.