Local Watershed Management Planning In Virginia - Local and regional governments and community groups devote many resources to planning and development. This document examines those resources and helps those involved "pull it all together" from a whole watershed perspective. Download the guide.
Chesapeake Bay watershed profiles - About 60% of the state drains to the Chesapeake Bay, the world's most productive estuary. Those watersheds include the Potomac (including Shenandoah), Rappahannock, York and James rivers as well as coastal lands on the bay's shoreline. Learn more about these watersheds at the Chesapeake Bay Program's website.
Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary ProgramVirginia's Chowan River and land around the Virginia Beach-Chesapeake area drain into the region; APNEP is managed by North Carolina.
Blackwater Nottoway RiverGuard Program - works with local, state and federal agencies on pollution issues or projects that require intimate knowledge of the river.
Tennessee Valley Authority's river system index. Southwestern Virginia's Holston, Clinch and Powell rivers' watersheds drain to the Tennessee River.