On Dec. 7, 2016, the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board adopted a resolution calling on DCR to establish a Conservation Planning Workgroup. The board tasked the group with offering recommendations and insights regarding resources to be considered, the components of conservation plans, training and certification, and other policy and program elements.
On June 28, 2018, the board approved the Conservation Planner Program as presented by DCR and directed the agency to launch the program. The program allows soil and water conservation district (SWCD) staff and partners to obtain conservation planner certification and write conservation plans based on resource needs and farmers’ goals to protect natural resources and support agricultural operations.
Conservation planners use a farm summary and resource guide sheet to inventory the operation and resources on the property being addressed by the plan. They will interview the producer and visit all areas to be included in the plan. Any concerns can be addressed through recommended best management practices (BMPs). Some BMPs may qualify for Virginia Agricultural Cost-Share Program funds, tax credits or other funding. Other BMPs may not qualify. The operator will identify which BMPs they plan to implement and expected completion. To assist conservation planners in creating these plans, the conservation plan module went through significant enhancements. Working with the farmer, the planner uses a conservation plan module, BMP modules, and other related components to design and document all work, recommendations and decisions. Conservation plans are “living documents” so they’re likely to be updated as improvements are made and goals are met.
To support this process, conservation planner certification and recertification processes were also developed. A training tracking module within a conservation application suite was created to allow individuals to log course completions and contact hours, as well as to submit plans for review for certification and recertification. Conservation planner certification course requirements provide training requirements for obtaining certification by DCR. Coursework is a combination of online training through the Commonwealth of Virginia Learning Center (COVLC) and in-person courses provided by partners and DCR. After all the coursework is completed, a conservation plan is submitted from the plan module and reviewed. Once a plan is approved, the individual becomes a DCR certified conservation planner. Contact hours can then be accrued for recertification followed by another conservation plan review, with the requirement of 30 hours minimum within three years.
Requests for contact hours for an event must be approved prior to the event, and attendance must be verified prior to the validation of hours for an individual.
For more information, contact DCR Conservation Planning and Training Coordinator Carl Thiel-Goin, 804-229-3385 or carl.thiel-goin@dcr.virginia.gov.