Those seeking nutrient management certification in Virginia must meet three (3) requirements: education, experience and passing both parts of the nutrient management exam. Planners may become certified in the Agriculture category, the Turf and Landscape category, or both.
Along with a two (2) or four (4) year college degree in a nutrient management related major, applicants must have at least one year of job-related experience in practical nutrient management. In lieu of the college degree, applicants must show a combination of education (to include nutrient management-related courses or training) and at least three years of job-related, practical nutrient management experience.
Formal education for the Agriculture category:
A four-year college or two-year degree in an agriculture-related field is required. Subjects studied should be directly related to nutrient management, such as soils, soil fertility and plant science.
Formal education requirement for the Turf and Landscape category:
A four-year or two-year college degree in an urban agronomy related field is required. Subjects studied should be directly related to nutrient management, such as soils, soil fertility and plant science.
Experience with formal education requirement:
In addition to formal education, applicants must have at least one year of practical experience related to nutrient management planning or the application of nutrient management concepts and principles. This includes working farmers, landowners or grounds maintenance supervisors to develop fertility programs for crop production or for the establishment and maintenance of turf or landscaped areas.
Experience in nutrient management involves determining nutrient recommendations regarding fertilizers, manures or biosolids. These recommendations would require a working knowledge of: application rates based on realistic yields or soil productivity; other specific criteria based on the area and plants being fertilized; management of environmentally sensitive areas; and proper timing of nutrient applications. Such experience would entail dealing directly with people in the following positions or holding such positions, as:
No formal nutrient management education:
For applicants with no formal education related to nutrient management, an agricultural or urban agronomic background is preferred, along with the completion of additional training and job experience in nutrient management. This should include nutrient management-related courses, nutrient management planning job responsibilities or both. The attendance of both agriculture training schools — the Soil Science, Soil Fertility and Crop Production School, and the Agricultural Plan Writing School — satisfies the education requirement for the Agriculture category. Attending both turf and landscape training schools — the Soil Science, Soil Fertility and Turf Production School and the Turf and Landscape Plan Writing School — satisfies the education requirement for the Turf and Landscape category.
Experience requirement with no formal nutrient management related education:
Three years of practical experience related to nutrient management planning are required. This includes working in any capacity directly with farmers, landowners or grounds maintenance supervisors to develop fertility programs to produce crops or establish and maintain turf or landscaped areas. Work experience must include the use of fertilizers, manures and biosolids, or any combination thereof, taking into account soil productivity, realistic yield goals, nutrient needs that meet specific use requirements of given sites, environmentally sensitive areas, and the timing of nutrient applications to determine nutrient recommendations. Such experience would entail dealing directly with people in the following positions, or holding such positions, as:
There are specific certification exams for those wishing to be certified in the Agriculture category, the Turf and Landscape category or both. The application fee for each is $100, which covers the first two years of certification once the exam is passed and eligibility has been met.
Those with questions about writing nutrient management plans or becoming a Virginia nutrient management planner should call or email Stephanie Dawley at 804-382-3911 or stephanie.dawley@dcr.virginia.gov.
Combination of categories:
Those wanting certification in both categories must meet the education requirements for both categories. This can be accomplished with a combination of formal education, the attendance of appropriate DCR training schools or both. The experience requirement for each category is the same as outlined above. Those seeking certification in both categories must pass both parts of the Agriculture exam and only the practical component of the Turf and Landscape Category exam.
Certificates are good for two years from the date the certificate is issued. To meet requirements for recertification, planners must have accumulated at least four DCR-approved continuing education credits and have written at least one nutrient management plan during those two years. Alternatively, if a planner writes no plans during the two-year period, at least four additional continuing education credits (i.e., a total of at least eight credits) are required. Continuing education credits for either category can be used to renew certification, regardless of the certification category(ies) a planner has.
The recertification fee is $100 and is good for two years.
Click here to download an application form. For questions on recertification contact Susan Jones at susan.jones@dcr.virginia.gov.
Date: Friday, August 1, 2025
Time: 8:20 - 11:30 a.m.
Location: TBA
Date: Friday, August 1, 2025
Time: 8:20 - 11:30 a.m.
Location: TBA
NOTE: Applicants who become certified Virginia Nutrient Management Planners agree to abide by the standards outlined in the Virginia Nutrient Management Training and Certification Regulations when writing nutrient management plans.
Turf and Landscape Category
Date: Thursday, July 31, 2025
Time: 1:30 - 3 p.m.
Location: TBA
Fee: No fee
Agriculture Category
Date: Thursday, July 31, 2025
Time: 3 - 5 p.m.
Location: TBA
Fee: No fee
Review sessions will address student questions about any nutrient management topics including nutrient management plan writing. There are no prepared presentations in the review sessions, discussion is based on questions from the attendees. It also covers exam day procedures as well as how to take multiple choice exams. This free session will be held at the same place where the exam takes place. Participants should bring the reference material they received from the training schools and be prepared to ask questions. Registration is recommended, but not required. Contact Susan Jones at 804-824-1573 for more information.
Bring a simple four-function calculator to the review session. For the exam, however, only calculators provided by DCR are allowed.
Those retaking one or both parts of the exam are required to submit an updated application, in which only parts 1, 2, 4 and 6 are completed if nothing changed since you last applied. Contact Susan Jones, 804-824-1573 or email susan.jones@dcr.virginia.gov, to see if you are required to submit the $100 fee with your application.
For more information about any of the above announcements or Virginia's Nutrient Management Program, please call or email Stephanie Dawley at 804-382-3911 or stephanie.dawley@dcr.virginia.gov.
Nutrient Management Training Schools: If you don't have a college degree with a major in agriculture or urban agronomic related area showing course work in the areas of nutrient management, such as soils, soil fertility and plant science, you must attend both training sessions to meet the education component of the eligibility requirements for certification. Those with questions should contact:
The number of pupils attending each session is limited so that we may provide participants a good, hands-on learning environment, so register as soon as possible. You must register at least two weeks before the start of the training. Participants are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Dates: TBA
Time: 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m., daily
Location: Virtual Via Microsoft Teams
Fee: $150
Description: This Soil Science, Soil Fertility and Crop Production training is a lecture series presented by Virginia Tech professors covering soil science, soil fertility, organic nutrient sources and crop production topics. Students without previous training in these subjects will find this session helpful in understanding how nutrients react and interact when applied to the soil. The training is a mini-agronomy course. It will help prepare students for the core component of the exam.
Dates: TBA
Time: 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m., daily
Location: TBA
Fee: $150.00
Description: This Plan Writing training covers writing nutrient management plans using Virginia’s nutrient management training and certification regulations. This is a “hands-on” training. Participants complete exercises using soils, soil tests, crop yields, manure analysis and animal numbers in a variety of challenging scenarios from a real farm to learn all the components of a nutrient management plan. At the end of the training, participants will have completed the first six months of a three-year nutrient management plan. This includes nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and lime recommendations. Manure and biosolids materials are also allocated to fields allowing participants to calculate the manure volumes of different animal species and learn how to calculate plant nutrient availability from organic materials. View the Agriculture Knowledge Areas.
To be notified of the next scheduled schools or exams, contact Susan Jones at 804-824-1573 or email susan.jones@dcr.virginia.gov.
Turf and Landscape, Soil Science, Soil Fertility and Turf Production Training
Dates: TBA
Time: TBA
Location: TBA
Fee: $130
Description: The Soil Science, Soil Fertility, and Turf Production training is a lecture series presented by Virginia Tech professors and DCR staff members. Based on the topics covered, it could be characterized as a mini-agronomy class. This school will also help prepare students for the core component of the Turf and Landscape certification exam.
Turf and Landscape Plan Writing Training
Dates: TBA
Time: TBA
Location: TBA
Fee: $130
Description: The Turf and Landscape Plan Writing training covers writing nutrient management plans using Virginia's criteria. It's a hands-on session in which participants complete exercises using case-study information from a golf course, an athletic field and more, to write the various components of a nutrient management plan. View the Turf and Landscape Knowledge Areas
To be notified of the next scheduled schools or exams, contact Susan Jones at 804-824-1573 or email susan.jones@dcr.virginia.gov.
Are you interested in expanding conservation services to your clients? Becoming a DCR-certified resource management plan developer may be a good way to increase customer service. Find all the details about a Resource Management Plan.
DCR Sponsored meetings will be listed as developed.
The following meetings have been awarded nutrient management continuing education credits. Please review these meetings and take the opportunity to update your knowledge and gain continuing education credits toward recertification.
Some sessions listed below have sign-up sheets to record credits. There are also other meetings that may qualify for nutrient management continuing education credits. For such meetings without sign-up sheets, you’ll need to actively request the continuing education credits. You’ll need proof of attendance and a photocopy of the meeting agenda and of your name badge or registration form. Send these items to Susan Jones in a letter requesting the credits.
Non-DCR sponsored meetings offering continuing education credits
Virginia nutrient management credits may be earned by attending the meetings below. There will be a signup sheet or a credit request form available at each meeting. YOU MUST sign the signup sheet at the meeting or complete the credit request form to receive credits. Direct questions to the contact person listed for the meetings.
Non-DCR sponsored meetings will be listed as we award credits.
Do you need a few credits to renew nutrient management certification? Are you looking for information on the latest crop production issues?
NOTICE: Continuing Education credits are awarded based on the time assigned to the presentation. Before you begin a webinar, check the Length of Time. Be aware credits assigned by other agencies or organizations may not accurately reflect the credits that can be awarded by the Virginia Nutrient Management Program. Example: 30 minutes = 0.5 credit, 46-60 minutes = 1 credit. If credits shown for the webinar do not follow this example, please check with the coordinator if you are viewing the presentation for continuing education credits.
Articles and webinars at both sites listed above cover various topics. A specific number of continuing education credits are awarded with each article. Due to the limited availability of regularly scheduled meetings and conferences you may normally use to acquire continuing education credits, the Virginia Nutrient Management Program will allow the approval of up to eight continuing education credits toward your required nutrient management continuing education credits. Only articles directly related to nutrient management subjects, as outlined in the Virginia Nutrient Management Training and Certification Regulations, may be used to earn nutrient management continuing education credits. Previously viewed articles and webinars cannot be re-submitted to earn credits.
To get continuing education credits:
For most CCA articles, print the article, complete and pass the associated test (fee around $25). For Science and Technology Library articles and webinars, print the certificate you've completed after viewing your selection.
Those earning continuing education credits for the either category should email documentation to:
Susan Jones - susan.jones@dcr.virginia.gov
Agriculture Training School Presentations
These presentations (PDF documents) were given at the Agriculture Training School. If you have any questions contact the presenter.
Soil Science, Soil Fertility, Crop Production School
Agriculture Plan Writing School
Turf and Landscape Training School Presentations
Here's a list of presentations (PDF documents) given at the Turf and Landscape Training School. If you have any questions, please contact Anita Tuttle or the presenter.