RMP developers work with Virginia farmers to develop a Resource Management Plan and help farmers implement the plan and have the RMP certified. State funding is available to pay the developer for plan development and certification services.
RMP regulations set specific criteria for becoming a certified RMP developer. All RMP developers must be a certified nutrient management planner in Virginia. Candidates must also demonstrate a suite of conservation and water quality planning skills or be a certified conservation planner (NRCS or DCR certificate). The applicant will submit an application to DCR for evaluation.
RMP developer applications should be submitted to rmp@dcr.virginia.gov.
There are some training opportunities available for potential RMP developers. Please contact RMP staff to discuss which opportunities are recommended for you.
Conservation planning certification courses are available to those who need to become certified in conservation planning or potential RMP developers who need coursework on a particular topic. Certified RMP developers may register for courses as a refresher or to update on specific topics. Find information about conservation planning.
Certified RMP developers can be compensated for RMP development (plan writing) and work associated with certification inspections and revisions. Farmers may assign an RMP-1 VACS payment to an RMP developer or an RMP developer may participate in the RMP Direct Pay Initiative.
Questions about training and certification requirements can be directed to
Barbara McGarry
(804) 371-0297