The Virginia Land Conservation Foundation board of trustees met June 5, 2024, to open the FY25 grant round to fund land conservation projects. Learn more
The Office of the State Inspector General completed an audit of the Land Preservation Tax Credit Program in 2021. In their final report, OSIG recommended DCR reach out to the land trust community to share effective practices for easement monitoring and compliance with conservation easements. Please see this recent guidance from the Land Trust Alliance, which provides standards and practices for monitoring and compliance of conservation easements.
The report also identified the need for additional guidance on filling out the LPC-1 tax credit form. Please review this helpful guide on how to fill out a land preservation tax credit application and see our program page for more information.
ConserveVirginia is Virginia's strategic land conservation tool, found on the Natural Heritage Data Explorer, to guide investments in conservation to lands of the highest conservation value. The ConserveVirginia map includes more than six million acres of lands identified as top priority across the Commonwealth within the following seven categories: