Factsheets and brochures have been developed for many of the natural resources monitored by the Natural Heritage Program as well as conservation and management activities of the program. A majority of these factsheets are available on line. You can click on any of the hyperlinks below to view, save and/or print the factsheet; use the back button on your browser to return to the list. Factsheets and brochures can be printed directly from the webpage in any quantity.
Hardcopies of select factsheets are also available by request. Click on the order form to view available factsheets and brochures.
Factsheets and brochures are free for orders totaling 100 or less. For orders over 100, there is a charge of $20 for shipping and handling (schools and state agencies exempt).
Payment is accepted as check or money order to the Treasurer of Virginia with the Natural Area Preservation Fund included in the memo line. Note that there is a limit of 500 total factsheets and brochures per order. Please see order form for limits on the specific number of factsheets and brochures that can be requested.