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In the course of our conservation work, DNH scientists research a wide range of subjects in Natural History. Some of these investigations produce data of interest to the scientific community, from the range of a dragonfly to the composition of prairie vegetation at Buffalo Mountain. To share the most significant research with the scientific community, staff biologists publish work in many peer-reviewed publications. There is limited time for publishing work through the office and many DNH scientists will work nights and weekends to gather data and write-up results. Below is a list of the peer-reviewed papers and publications produced by DNH scientists and their co-authors, organized by decade. Staff who are not lead authors are bolded in the citation.
To request reprints, please contact the authors directly.
1987 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997
Lipford, M. L., G. D. Rouse, and C. A. Clampitt. 1987. The Virginia Natural Heritage Program: monitoring rare species and communities. Virginia Journal of Science 38(4): 388-398.
Buhlmann, K. A. 1989. Field notes: Crotalus horridus atricaudatus (Canebrake Rattlesnake). Catesbeiana 9(2):34.
Buhlmann, K. A., and C. A. Pague. 1989. Field notes: Hemidactylium scutatum(Four-toed Salamander). Catesbeiana 9(2): 33.
Buhlmann, K. A., C. A. Pague, and J. C. Mitchell. 1989. Field notes: Deirochelys reticularia reticularia (Eastern Chicken Turtle). Catesbeiana 9(2): 35-36.
Lipford, M. L. 1989. The status of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) of Virginia. Sterkiana 72: 27-31.
Ludwig, J.C. 1989. The biological and legal status of Virginia's rare and uncommon vascular plants. Jeffersonia 20: 1-18.
Buhlmann, K. A., and R. L. Hoffman. 1990. Geographic distribution: Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum (Eastern Tiger Salamander). Herpetological Review 21(2):36.
Buhlmann, K. A. 1991. Field notes: Siren lacertina (Greater Siren). Catesbeiana 11(1):19-20.
Buhlmann, K. A. 1991. Field notes: Ambystoma mabeei (Mabees Salamander). Catesbeiana 11(1):20.
Buhlmann, K. A., and M. S. Hayslett. 1991. Herpetofauna of Chippokes State Park. Catesbeiana 11(2): 33-34.
Clampitt, C. A. 1991. White Mandarin, Streptopus amplexifolius (Linnaeus) DeCandolle. Pp. 435-436 in K. Terwilliger (coord.). Virginia's Endangered Species. McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company, Blacksburg, Virginia
Clampitt, C. A. 1991. The upland plant communities of Seashore State Park, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Virginia Journal of Science 42(4): 419-436.
Gourley, E. V., and C. A. Pague. 1991. Shovel-nosed Salamander, Leurognathus marmoratus Moore. Pp. 435-436 in K. Terwilliger (coord.). Virginia's Endangered Species. McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Lipford, M. L. 1991. Elephant-ear, Elliptio crassidens (Lamarck) Pp. 271-272, Sheepnose, Plethobasus cyphyus(Rafinesque) Pp. 280-281, Fanshell, Cyprogenia stegaria (Rafinesque) Pp. 291-292, Black Sandshell,Ligumia recta (Lamarck) Pp. 302-303, Deertoe, Truncilla truncata (Rafinesque) Pp. 304-305 in K. Terwilliger (coord.). Virginia's Endangered Species. McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Ludwig, J. C. 1991. Epiphytic Sedge, Carex decomposita Muhlenberg Pp. 71-72, Toothed Sedge, Cyperus dentatus Torrey Pp. 74-75, Black-fruited Spikerush, Eleocharis melanocarpa Torrey Pp. 77-78, Robbins Spikerush, Eleocharis robbinsii Oakes Pp. 78-79, Pine Barren Rush, Juncus arbortivus Chapman Pp.84-85, Bog Rose, Arethusa bulbosa Linnaeus Pp. 90-91, White Fringed Orchid, Habenaria blephariglottis (Willdenow) Hooker Pp. 92-93, Large-leaf Grass-of-Parnassus, Parnassia grandifolia DeCandolle Pp. 14-115, Carolina Lilaeopsis, Lilaeopsis carolinensis Linnaeus Pp. 134-135, Fringed Gentian, Gentiana crinita Froelich Pp. 137-138, Buckbean, Menyanthes trifoliata Linnaeus Pp.138-139, Smooth Coneflower, Echinacea laevigata (Boynton and Beadle) Blake Pp. 144-145 in K. Terwilliger (coord.). Virginia's Endangered Species. McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Ludwig, J. C., J. B. Wright, and N. E. Van Alstine. 1991. The rare plants of False Cape State Park, Virginia Beach City, Virginia. Pp. 249-256 in H. G. Marshall and M. D. Norman (eds.). Proceedings of the Back Bay Ecological Symposium. Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia.
Mitchell, J. C., and K. A. Buhlmann. 1991. Eastern Chicken Turtle, Deirochelys reticularia reticularia (Latreille). Pp. 459-461 in K. Terwilliger (coord.). Virginia's Endangered Species. McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Mitchell, J. C., K. A. Buhlmann, and C. H. Ernst. 1991. Bog Turtle, Clemmys muhlenbergii (Schoepf). Pp. 457-459 in K. Terwilliger (coord.). Virginia's Endangered Species. McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Mitchell, J. C., and C. A. Pague. 1991. Ecology of freshwater turtles in Back Bay, Virginia. Pp. 183-187 in H. G. Marshall and M. D. Norman (eds.). Proceedings of the Back Bay Ecological Symposium. Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia.
Mitchell, J. C., and C. A. Pague. 1991. Eastern Glass Lizard, Ophisaurus ventralis (Linnnaeus). Pp. 464-466 in K. Terwilliger (coord.). Virginia's Endangered Species. McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Pague, C. A. 1991. Oak Toad, Bufo quercicus Holbrook Pp. 423-424, Carpenter Frog, Rana virgatipes Cope Pp. 426-427, Pygmy Salamander, Desmognathus wrighti King Pp. 433-435, Wellers Salamander, Plethodon welleri Walker Pp. 442-443, Hellbender, Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis (Daudin) Pp. 443-445in K. Terwilliger (coord.). Virginia's Endangered Species. McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Pague, C.A., and K. A. Buhlmann. 1991. Rare animals of Back Bay, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Pp. 148-158 in H. G. Marshall and M. D. Norman (eds.). Proceedings of the Back Bay Ecological Symposium. Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia.
Pague, C. A., and K. A. Buhlmann. 1991. Eastern Tiger Salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum (Green). Pp. 431-433 in K. Terwilliger (coord.). Virginia's Endangered Species. McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Pague, C. A., K. A. Buhlmann, and J. C. Mitchell. 1991. Cow Knob Salamander, Plethodon punctatus Highton. Pp. 437-439 in K. Terwilliger (coord.). Virginia's Endangered Species. McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Pague, C. A., and J. C. Mitchell. 1991. The amphibians and reptiles of Back Bay, Virginia. Pp. 159-166 in H. G. Marshall and M. D. Norman (eds.). Proceedings of the Back Bay Ecological Symposium. Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia.
Pague, C. A., and J. C. Mitchell. 1991. Mabees Salamander, Ambystoma mabeei Bishop Pp. 427-429, Mole Salamander, Ambystoma talpoideum (Holbrook) Pp. 429-431, Peaks of Otter Salamander, Plethodon hubrichti Thurow Pp. 436-437 in K. Terwilliger (coord.). Virginia's Endangered Species. McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Pague, C. A., and D. F. Schweitzer. 1991. Butterflies and moths. Pp. 237-246 in K. Terwilliger (coordinator). Virginia's Endangered Species. McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Pague, C. A., and D. A. Young. 1991. Barking Treefrog, Hyla gratiosa LeConte. Pp. 424-426 in K. Terwilliger (coord.). Virginia's Endangered Species. McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company, Blacksburg,Virginia.
Van Alstine, N. E. 1991. White Buttons, Eriocaulon septangulare Withering. Pp. 83-84 in K. Terwilliger (coord.). Virginia's Endangered Species. McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company, Blacksburg, Virginia.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1991. Shale barren rock cress (Arabis serotina) recovery plan. Prepared by J.C. Ludwig and N.E. Van Alstine. Newton Corner, Massachusetts. 40 pp.
Pague, C. A. 1992. Field notes: Stereochilus marginatus (Many-lined Salamander). Catesbeiana 12(1): 10-11.
Pague, C. A., and K. A. Buhlmann. 1992. Field notes: Rana virgatipes (Carpenter Frog). Catesbeiana 12(1): 9.
Pague, C. A., M. Hayslett, and P. Kramer. 1992. Field notes: Plethodon hubrichti (Peaks of Otter Salamander). Catesbeiana 12(1): 9-10.
Buhlmann, K. A., J. C. Mitchell, and C. A. Pague. 1993. Amphibian and small mammal abundance and diversity in saturated forested wetlands and adjacent uplands of southeastern Virginia. Pp. 1-7 in S. D. Eckles, A. Jennings, A. Spingarn and C. Wienhold (eds.). Proceedings of a Workshop on Saturated Forested Wetlands in the Mid-Atlantic Region: The State of the Science. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Annapolis, Maryland.
Buhlmann, K. A., A. H. Savitzky, B. A. Savitzky, and J. C. Mitchell. 1993. Geographic distribution: Regina rigida (Glossy Crayfish Snake). Herpetological Review 24(4): 156-157.
Mitchell, J. C., S. Y. Erdle, J. F. Pagels, and C. S. Hobson. 1993. The effect of short-term sampling on descriptions of terrestrial vertebrate communities in saturated forested wetlands, and comments on estimating wetland value. Pp. 24-28 in S. D. Eckles, A. Jennings, A. Spingarn and C. Wienhold (eds.). Proceedings of a Workshop on Saturated Forested Wetlands in the Mid-Atlantic Region: The State of the Science. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Annapolis, Maryland.
Mitchell, J. C., S. Y. Erdle, J. F. Pagels. 1993. Evaluation of capture techniques for amphibian, reptile, and small mammal communities in saturated forested wetlands. Wetlands 13(2):130-136.
Rawinski, T. J., and T. F. Wieboldt. 1993. Classification and ecological interpretation of mafic glade vegetation on Buffalo Mountain, Floyd County, Virginia. Banisteria 2: 3-10.
Roble, S. M. 1994. Gasteracantha cancriformis (L.), a spectacular spider new to the fauna of Virginia (Araneae: Araneidae). Banisteria 3: 20.
Roble, S. M. 1994. Field notes: Hyla cinerea (Green Treefrog). Catesbeiana 14(2): 40.
Roble, S. M. 1994. Field notes: Eumeces anthracinus anthracinus (Northern Coal Skink). Catesbeiana 14(2): 40-42.
Roble, S. M. 1994. A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality (Odonata: Zygoptera). Banisteria 4: 3-23.
Roble, S. M., and C. S. Hobson. 1994. Field notes: Farancia erytrogramma (Rainbow Snake). Catesbeiana 14(1): 15-16.
Roble, S. M., and P. H. Stevenson. 1994. Rediscovery of the dragonfly Nannothemisbella in Virginia (Odonata: Libellulidae). Banisteria 3: 27-28.
Buhlmann, K. A. 1995. Habitat use, terrestrial movements, and conservation of the turtle, Deirochelys reticularia in Virginia. Journal of Herpetology 29(2): 173-181.
Erdle, S. Y. and J. F. Pagels. 1995. Observations on Sorex longirostris (Mammalia:Soricidae) and associates in eastern portions of the historical Great Dismal Swamp. Banisteria 6:17-23.
Hobson, C. S., and D. J. Stevenson. 1995. Field notes: Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis (Eastern Garter Snake). Catesbeiana 15(1): 23.
Rawinski, T. J., and J. C. Mitchell. 1995. Field notes: Cnemidophorus sexlineatus sexlineatus (Six-lined Racerunner). Catesbeiana 15(1): 25.
Roble, S. M. 1995. Field notes: Agkistrodon piscivorus piscivorus(Eastern Cottonmouth). Catesbeiana 15(1): 24
Roble, S. M. 1995. Field notes: Regina septemvittata (Queen Snake). Catesbeiana 15(1): 24-25.
Roble, S. M. 1995. First record of Miathyria marcella in Virginia. Argia 7(2): 4-5.
Roble, S. M. 1995. Geographic distribution: Siren intermedia intermedia (Eastern Lesser Siren). Herpetological Review 26(3): 150-151.
Roble, S. M. 1995. Checklist of the butterflies and skippers of Virginia's Eastern Shore. Kiptopeke Environmental Station, Research and Education Laboratory (KESTREL), Franktown, Virginia. Brochure for public distribution at Kiptopeke State Park and the Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge.
Roble, S. M., and C. S. Hobson. 1995. Geographic distribution: Hemidactylium scutatum (Four-toed Salamander). Herpetological Review 26(1): 41.
Roble, S. M., and C. S. Hobson. 1995. Records of amphibians and reptiles from the Clinch Ranger District, Jefferson National Forest. Catesbeiana 15(1): 3-14.
Stevenson, D. J., S. M. Roble, and C. S. Hobson. 1995. New records of the damselfly Ischnura prognata in Virginia. Banisteria 6: 26-27.
Adams, H. S., M. S. Hayslett, and C. S. Hobson. 1996. Salamander diversity and abundance along Buck Run in the Laurel Fork area of Highland County, Virginia. Catesbeiana 16(2): 35-43.
Buhlmann, K. A., and C. S. Hobson. 1996. Geographic distribution: Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum (Eastern Tiger Salamander). Herpetological Review 27(1): 28.
Fleming, G.P., and J.C. Ludwig. 1996. Noteworthy collections: Virginia. Castanea 61(1): 89-94.
Ludwig, J. C. 1996. Shoreline flora of the Blackwater River in Southampton and Isle of Wight Counties, Virginia. Banisteria 8: 44-46.
Roble, S. M. 1996. Checklist of the dragonflies and damselflies of Virginia's Eastern Shore. Kiptopeke Environmental Station, Research and Education Laboratory (KESTREL), Franktown, Virginia. Brochure for public distribution at Kiptopeke State Park and the Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge.
Roble, S. M., and C. S. Hobson. 1996. The Odonata of Fort A. P. Hill and vicinity, Caroline County, Virginia. Banisteria 7: 11-40.
Roble, S. M.,and D. J. Stevenson. 1996. First records of Telebasis byersi from Virginia, including a new northern range limit. Argia 8(1): 13-14.
Stevenson, D. J. 1996. Field notes: Hemidactylium scutatum (Four-toed Salamander). Catesbeiana 16(1): 20-22.
Stevenson, D. J., C. S. Hobson, and M. S. Hayslett. 1996. Field notes: Ambystoma jeffersonianum (Jefferson Salamander). Catesbeiana 16(1):16-20.
Van Alstine, N. E., W. H. Moorhead III, A. Belden Jr., T. J. Rawinski, and J. C. Ludwig. 1996. Recently discovered populations of small whorled pogonia (Isotria medeoloides) in Virginia. Banisteria 7: 3-10.
Buhlmann, K. A., and J. C. Mitchell. 1997. Ecological notes on the amphibians and reptiles of the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Laboratory, King George County, Virginia. Banisteria 9: 45-51.
Buhlmann, K. A., J. C. Mitchell, and M. G. Rollins. 1997. New approaches for the conservation of bog turtles, Clemmys muhlenbergii in Virginia. Pp. 359-363 inJ. Van Abbema and M. Klemens (eds.). Conservation of Tortoises and Turtles, State University of New York, Purchase, New York.
Mitchell, J. C., K. A. Buhlmann, and M. D. Norman. 1997. Freshwater fishes of an isolated, interdunal freshwater ecosystem in northern Virginia Beach, Virginia. Banisteria 9: 57-60.
Mitchell, J. C., S. C. Rinehart, J. F. Pagels, K. A. Buhlmann, and C. A. Pague. 1997. Factors influencing amphibian and small mammal assemblages in central Appalachian forests. Journal of Forest Ecology and Management 96(1997): 65-76.
Roble, S. M., and C. S. Hobson. 1997. Field notes: Regina septemvittata (Queen Snake). Catesbeiana 17(1): 21.
Roble, S. M., and C. S. Hobson. 1997. Field notes: Heterodon platirhinos (Eastern Hognose Snake). Catesbeiana 17(1): 22.
Roble, S. M., C. S. Hobson, and D. J. Stevenson. 1997. New distributional records for rare and uncommon Odonata in Virginia. Banisteria 9: 33-42.
Roble, S. M., and P. H. Stevenson. 1997. First records of freshwater mussels on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Banisteria 10: 22-24.
Stevenson, D. J., and S. M. Roble. 1997. New distributional records for the water scorpion Nepa apiculata in the Coastal Plain of Georgia and Virginia. Banisteria 9: 54-56.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1997. Lee County cave isopod (Lirceus usdagalun) recovery plan. Prepared by S. M. Roble, T. E. Brown, and L. M. Koch, Hadley,Massachusetts. 39 pp.
1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008
Belden, A. Jr. 1998. The vascular flora of five newly discovered granite flatrocks in Virginia's southern Piedmont. Banisteria 11: 3 - 18.
Hobson, C. S. 1998. An inland record for the tiger beetle Cicindela trifasciata ascendens in Virginia. Banisteria 11: 49-50.
Hobson, C. S. 1998. Field notes: Hemidactylium scutatum (Four-toed Salamander). Catesbeiana 18(2): 47-48.
Hobson, C. S. 1998. Bat records from southeastern Virginia, including a new resident species, Myotis austroriparius (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae).Banisteria 12: 18-23.
Hobson, C. S., A. C. Chazal, and S. M. Roble. 1998. The Virginia Piedmont water-boatman Sigara depressa (Heteroptera: Corixidae) rediscovered in Virginia. Banisteria 11: 37-40.
Hoffman, R. L., S. M. Roble, and E. L. Quinter. 1998. New locality records for the Dismal Swamp green stink bug (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Banisteria 12: 29-31.
Mitchell, J. C., and S. M. Roble. 1998. Annotated checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of Fort A. P. Hill, Virginia and vicinity. Banisteria 11: 19-32.
Roble, S. M., and S. Garriock. 1998. Field notes: Chelydra serpentina serpentina (Common Snapping Turtle). Catesbeiana 18(2): 53-54.
Roble, S. M., and C. S. Hobson. 1998. Observations on nesting by a fence lizard, Sceloporus undulatus hyacinthinus, in Virginia. Banisteria 11: 47-49.
Roble, S. M., and C. S. Hobson. 1998. Records of amphibians and reptiles from Fort Lee, Prince George County, Virginia. Catesbeiana 18(2): 35-42.
Roble, S. M., and C. S. Hobson. 1998. Field notes: Pseudacris brachyphona (Mountain Chorus Frog).Catesbeiana 18(2): 48-49.
Roble, S. M., and D. J. Stevenson. 1998. Records of Odonata, fish and birds from the Grafton Ponds sinkhole complex, York County, Virginia. Banisteria 12: 3-17.
Roble, S. M., D. J. Stevenson, and A. C. Chazal. 1998. Field notes: Eumeces anthracinus anthracinus (Northern Coal Skink). Catesbeiana 18(2): 49-52.
Roble, S. M., D. J. Stevenson, and C. S. Hobson. 1998. Recent noteworthy records of the swampfish (Chologaster cornuta) from the Nottoway River system, Virginia. Banisteria 11: 50-51.
Wieboldt, T. F., G. P. Fleming, J. C. Ludwig, and F. C. Huber. 1998. Noteworthy collections: Virginia. Castanea 63: 82- 91.
Bedell, P. and A. Chazal. 1999. Dythemis velox, a new species for Virginia. Argia 11(3): 4-5.
Buhlmann, K. A., J. C. Mitchell and L. R. Smith. 1999. Descriptive ecology of the Shenandoah Valley sinkhole pond system in Virginia. Banisteria 13: 23-51.
Chazal, A. C. and C. S. Hobson. 1999. Field Notes: Hyla squirella (Squirrel Treefrog). Field Notes. Catesbeiana 19(2): 65.
Fleming, G. P. and N. E. Van Alstine. 1999. Plant communities and floristic features of sinkhole ponds and seepage wetlands in southeastern Augusta County, Virginia. Banisteria 13: 67-94.
Hutto, C.J., V.B. Shelburne, and S.M. Jones. 1999. Preliminary ecological land classification of the Chauga Ridges Region of South Carolina. Forest Ecology and Management 114:385-393.
Ludwig, J. C. 1999. The flora of dolomite and limestone barrens in southwestern Virginia. Castanea 64(3): 209-230.
Mitchell, J. C., T. K. Pauley, D. I. Withers, S. M. Roble, B. T. Miller, A. L. Braswell, P. V. Cupp, Jr., and C. S. Hobson. 1999. Conservation status of the Southern Appalachian herpetofauna. Virginia Journal of Science 50(1): 13-35.
Roble, S. M. 1999. Field Notes: Plethodon cinereus (Red-backed Salamander). Catesbeiana 19(1): 33.
Roble, S. M. 1999. Field Notes: Thamnophis sauritus sauritus (Eastern Ribbon Snake). Catesbeiana 19(1): 35.
Roble, S. M. 1999. Dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) of the Shenandoah Valley sinkhole pond system and vicinity, Augusta County, Virginia. Banisteria 13: 101-127.
Roble, S. M. 1999. Amphibians and reptiles of beaver pond habitats in the Laurel Fork Recreation Area, Highland County, Virginia. Catesbeiana 19(2): 51-60.
Roble, S. M. and A. C. Chazal. 1999. Field Notes: Rana catesbeiana (Bullfrog). Catesbeiana 19(1): 34.
Roble, S. M. and A. C. Chazal. 1999. Field Notes: Pseudemys concinna concinna (Eastern River Cooter). Catesbeiana 19(2): 67-68.
Roble, S. M., A. C. Chazal and C. S. Hobson. 1999. Field Notes: Graptemys geographica (Common Map Turtle). Catesbeiana 19(2): 67.
Roble, S. M., A. C. Chazal, C. S. Hobson and J. C. Ludwig. 1999. First records of Noctua pronuba L., an Old World moth, in Virginia (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Banisteria 14: 45-47.
Roble, S. M., D. J. Stevenson and C. S. Hobson. 1999. Distribution of the dwarf waterdog (Necturus punctatus) in Virginia, with comments on collecting techniques. Banisteria 14: 39-44.
Walton, D. P. 1999. Field Notes: Farancia erytrogramma erytrogramma (Rainbow Snake). Catesbeiana 19(2): 68.
Walton, D. P. and P. P. Coulling. 1999. Field Notes: Amphiuma means (Two-toed Amphiuma). Catesbeiana 19(2): 65-66.
Williamson, G. M. and S. M. Roble. 1999. Noteworthy snake records from False Cape State Park, City of Virginia Beach, Virginia. Catesbeiana 19(2): 61-64.
Blossey, B., and J. T. Weber. 2000. First Virginia records of four European insect herbivores of Phragmites australis. Banisteria 16: 29-35.
Chazal, A. C. 2000. Two Virginia records for Enallagma weewa. Argia 12(3): 26-27.
Department of Conservation & Recreation, Division of Natural Heritage. 2000. Phragmites in Virginia: A Management Symposium. Speakers Abstracts. (PDF) December 14, 2000. Library of Virginia.
Hobson, C. S. 2000. First record of Nycteribiidae (Diptera) in Virginia, and a discussion of the host specificity and distribution of Basilia boardmani. Entomological News 111(4): 291-293.
Hoffman, R. L., and S. M. Roble. 2000. Fourteen ground beetles new to the Virginia fauna (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Banisteria 16: 36-41.
Ludwig, J. C. 2000. A survey of macrolepidopteran moths near Vontay, Hanover County, Virginia. Banisteria 15: 16-35.
Roble, S. M. 2000. Field Notes: Bufo americanus(American Toad). Catesbeiana 20(2): 79.
Roble, S. M. 2000. Field Notes: Ambystoma opacum (Marbled Salamander). Catesbeiana 20(2): 85-86.
Roble, S. M., A. C. Chazal, and A. K. Foster. 2000. A preliminary survey of the amphibians and reptiles of Savage Neck Dunes Natural Area Preserve, Northampton County, Virginia. Catesbeiana 20(2): 63-74.
Roble, S. M., and R. D. Cuyler. 2000. The damselflies and dragonflies (Odonata) of the Great Dismal Swamp and vicinity. Pp. 115-131. In R. K. Rose (ed.), The Natural History of the Great Dismal Swamp. Old Dominion University Publications, Norfolk, Virginia.
Roble, S. M., W. D. Hartgroves, and P. A. Opler. 2000. The butterflies and skippers (Lepidoptera) of the Great Dismal Swamp and vicinity. Pp. 93-113 In R. K. Rose (ed.), The Natural History of the Great Dismal Swamp. Old Dominion University Publications, Norfolk, Virginia.
Roble, S. M., and C. S. Hobson. 2000. Field Notes: Gastrophryne carolinensis (Eastern Narrow-mouthed Toad). Catesbeiana 20(2): 80-82.
Roble, S. M., and C. S. Hobson. 2000. Field Notes: Clemmys insculpta (Wood Turtle). Catesbeiana 20(2): 83.
Roble, S. M., and C. S. Hobson. 2000. Previously overlooked records of the least weasel (Mustela nivalis) from Virginia. Banisteria 16: 49-50.
Roble, S. M., and R. L. Hoffman. 2000. Three true bugs new to the Virginia fauna, including the first record of the Family Schizopteridae (Heteroptera). Banisteria 16: 41-45.
Rose, R. K., C. S. Hobson, T. M. Padgett, and D. A. Schwab. 2000. Dismal Swamp bats. Pp. 235-239 In R. K. Rose (ed.), The Natural History of the Great Dismal Swamp. Old Dominion University Publications, Norfolk, Virginia.
Derge, K.L. and A.C. Chazal. 2001. Eurycea guttolineata (Three-lined Salamander). Field Notes. Catesbeiana 21: 33.
Fleming, Gary P., Kathleen M. MCoy, and Nancy E. Van Alstine. 2001. The vascular flora of fire-maintained grasslands and woodlands at Quantico Marine Corps Base, Virginia. Banisteria 17: 3-19.
Ludwig, J. C. 2001. An update to the survey of macrolepidopteran moths near Vontay, Hanover County, Virginia. Banisteria 17: 42-47.
Roble, S. M.. 2001. Herps of Savage Neck Dunes Natural Area Preserve: addendum. Catesbeiana 21(1): 36.
Roble, S. M., and C. S. Hobson. 2001. Field Notes: Bufo americanus (American Toad). Catesbeiana 21(2): 78.
Roble, S. M. 2001. Field Notes: Dermochelys coriacea (Leatherback). Catesbeiana 21(2): 78-79.
Roble, S. M., C. T. Kessler, B. Grimes, C. S. Hobson, and A. C. Chazal. 2001. Biology and conservation status of Neonympha mitchellii, a globally rare butterfly new to the Virginia fauna. Banisteria 18: 3-23.
Roble, S. M., and O. S. Flint, Jr. 2001. Five northern lacewings new to the Virginia fauna, including significant southern range extensions for Eremochrysa canadensis and Hemerobius costalis (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae, Hemerobiidae). Banisteria 18: 31-33.
Roble, S. M., and O. S. Flint, Jr. 2001. Nemotaulius hostilis (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae), a boreal caddisfly new to the Virginia fauna. Banisteria 18: 34-37.
Chazal, A.C. and C.S. Hobson. 2002. Status of the Rare Skipper (Problema bulenta) in Virginia. Banisteria 19:20-22.
Church, D. R., H. M. Wilbur, S. M. Roble, F. C. Huber, and M. W. Donahue. 2002. Observations on breeding by eastern spadefoots (Scaphiopus holbrookii holbrookii) in Augusta County, Virginia. Banisteria 20: 71-72.
Hoffman, R. L., S. M. Roble, and W. E. Steiner, Jr. 2002. Thirteen additions to the known beetle fauna of Virginia (Coleoptera: Scirtidae, Bothrideridae, Cleridae, Tenebrionidae, Melyridae, Callirphidae, Cerambycidae,Chrysomelidae). Banisteria 20: 53-61.
Ludwig, J. C. 2002. Second update to the survey of macrolepidopteran moths near Vontay, Hanover County, Virginia. Banisteria 19: 17-19.
Roble, S. M., and C. S. Hobson. 2002. Records of amphibians and reptiles from "The Cedars" region of Lee County, Virginia. Catesbeiana 22(2): 33-48.
Roble, S. M., and C. S. Hobson. 2002. Field Notes: Nerodia erythrogaster erythrogaster (Red-bellied Water Snake). Catesbeiana 22(2): 52.
Roble, S. M. 2002. Field Notes: Nerodia erythrogaster erythrogaster (Red-bellied Water Snake). Catesbeiana 22(2): 52-53.
Roble, S. M. 2002. Field Notes: Clemmys muhlenbergii (Bog Turtle). Catesbeiana 22(2): 59-60.
Belden, A. Jr. and Van Alstine, N.E. 2003. Status of the Federally Listed Aeschynomene virginica (L.) BSP. on the James River in Virginia. Castanea 68:179-181.
Hobson, C.S., and E.C. Moriarty. 2003. Geographic distribution: Pseudacris nigrita nigrita (Southern Chorus Frog). Herpetological Review 34: 259-260.
Hobson, C. S., and S. M. Roble. 2003. Geographic distribution: Ambystoma opacum (Marbled Salamander). Herpetological Review 34(2): 160.
Roble, S.M. 2003. Field Notes: Pseudacris feriarium (Upland Chorus Frog). Catesbeiana 23(1): 20.
Roble, S.M. 2003. Field Notes: Rana sphenocephala (Southern Leopard Frog). Catesbeiana 23(1): 21-24.
Roble, S.M., and A.C. Chazal. 2003. Field notes: Cnemidophorus (= Aspidoscelis) sexlineatus. (Six-lined Racerunner). Catesbeiana 23(1): 17-18.
Roble, S.M., A.C. Chazal, K.L. Derge, and C.S. Hobson. 2003. Records of amphibians and reptiles from Fort Pickett, Virginia. Catesbeiana 23(2): 35-60.
Belden, A. Jr. and K.L. Derge. 2003. The Flora and Fauna of Virginia Army National Guard OMS No. 1 and No. 2 near Sandston, Henrico County, Virginia. Banisteria 22:22-42.
Belden, A. Jr., G.P. Fleming, J.C. Ludwig, J.F. Townsend, N.E. Van Alstine, C.E. Stevens, and T.F. Wieboldt. 2004. Noteworthy Collections: Virginia. Castanea 69(2): 144-153.
Chazal, A.C., S.M. Roble, C.S. Hobson, and K.L. Derge. 2004. Status of the Appalachian grizzled skipper (Pyrgus centaureae wyandot) in Virginia. Banisteria 24:15-22.
Chazal, A.C., S.M. Roble, C.S. Hobson, and A.K. Foster. 2004. Records of butterflies and skippers from the Southeastern Piedmont of Virginia. Banisteria 23:38-41.
Fleming, G.P. and A. Belden, Jr. 2004. The Flora of Manassas National Battlefield Park, Prince William and Frederick Counties, Virginia. Banisteria 23:3-25.
Roble, S. M. 2004. Notes on an autumn roost of an eastern small-footed bat (Myotis leibii). Banisteria 23: 42-44.
Roble, S. M. 2004. Comments on the northern range limit of Plethodon welleri Walker. Catesbeiana 24: 64-69.
Roble, S.M., C.S. Hobson, and A.C. Chazal. 2005. Opportunistic surveys for the oak toad (Bufo quercicus) in Southeastern Virginia: On the Trail of Leslie Burger. Catesbeiana 25:3-23.
Roble, S. M. 2005. Observations on an aggregation of Gomphaeschna furcillata in southeastern Virginia. Argia 17(1): 8-9.
Roble, S. M. 2005. Field Notes: Pseudacris nigrita (Southern Chorus Frog). Catesbeiana 25: 29-30.
Hoffman, R. L., S. M. Roble, and T. J. Henry. 2005. The occurrence in Florida and Virginia of Corixidea major, an exceptionally rare North American bug (Heteroptera: Schizopteridae). Banisteria 26: 18-19.
Townsend, John F. 2005. Some observations on growth form in the sand post oak (Quercus margarettiae) and historic reports of Boynton's oak (Quercus boyntonii) in Virginia. Banisteria 26: 3-6.
Hobson, C.S. 2006. Marl Pennant (Macrodiplax balteata), a new coastal dragonfly in Virginia. Banisteria 28: 53.
Leahy, M.J., C.J. Hutto and P.A. Clarke. 2006. The Composition and Structure of Woody Vegetation Associated with Piratebush, Buckleya distichophylla (Nutt.) Torr., on Poor Mountain, Virginia. Castanea 71(1): 31-44.
Kleopfer, J.D. and A.C. Chazal. 2006. Hyla gratiosa (Barking Treefrog). Field Notes. Catesbeiana 26:70.
Roble, S. M., and J. Callow. 2006. Field Notes: Eurycea longicauda longicauda (Long-tailed Salamander). Catesbeiana 26: 19-20.
Hoffman, R. L., S. M. Roble, and R. L. Davidson. 2006. Thirty ground beetles new to the fauna of Virginia, and a milestone (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Banisteria 27: 16-30.
Townsend, John F. and Vesna Karaman-Castro. 2006. A new species of Boltonia (Asteraceae) from the Ridge and Valley physiographic province, U.S.A. Sida 22 (2) pp. 873-886
Townsend, John F. 20 06. A native occurrence of Carolina moonseed (Cocculus carolinus) in Virginia.Banisteria 28:53-55.
Belden, A., Jr., and D.P. Field. 2007. A flora of Fisherman Island, Virginia. Banisteria 29: 3-16.
Hoffman, R. L., S. M. Roble, and T. J. Henry. 2007. First records of the rarely collected bug Nannocoris arenarius, from Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia (Heteroptera: Schizopteridae). Banisteria 30: 38-39.
LeBlond, Richard J., Edward E. Schilling, Richard D. Porcher, Bruce A. Sorrie, John F. Townsend, Patrick D. McMillan and Alan S. Weakley (2007) Eupatorium paludicola, sp. nov. (Asteraceae): A new species from the coastal plain of North and South Carolina. Rhodora 109 (938): 137-144.
Roble, S. M., G. N. Woodie, and M. D. Kinsler. 2007. Discovery of a population of scarlet kingsnakes (Lampropeltis triangulum elapsoides) in the Virginia Piedmont. Catesbeiana 27: 84-94.
Roble, S. M. 2007. Field Notes: Hyla chrysoscelis (Cope's Gray Treefrog). Catesbeiana 27: 96-97.
Roble, S. M. 2007. Field Notes: Hyla cinerea (Green Treefrog). Catesbeiana 27: 97.
Roble, S. M. 2007. Field Notes: Sternotherus odoratus (Common Musk Turtle; Stinkpot). Catesbeiana 27: 101-102.
Steury, B.W., J. Glaser, and C.S. Hobson. 2007. A survey of macrolepidopteran moths of Turkey Run and Great Falls National Parks, Fairfax County, Virginia. Banisteria 29: 17-31.
Modzler, T, J., Hutto, C. J., Clarke, P. A., and Field, D. P. 2008. Efficacy of imazapyr and glyphosate in the control of non-native Phragmites australis. Restoration Ecology 16: 221-224.
Roble, S. M., and M. W. Donahue. 2008. Common ringlet (Coenonympha tullia): A non-native butterfly new to the Virginia fauna. Banisteria 31: 56-58.
2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019
Evans, A.V., and O.S. Flint, Jr. 2009. The mourning scorpionfly, Panorpa lugubris (Swederus), in Virginia (Mecoptera: Panorpidae). Banisteria 33: 58-60.
Evans, A.V. 2009. Phyllophaga spreta (Horn), a rare species of June beetle new to the fauna of Virginia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Banisteria 33: 37-42.
Evans, A.V. 2009. Hybosorus illigeri Reiche confirmed as part of the Virginia beetle fauna, with notes on Germarostes (Coleoptera: Hybosoridae). Banisteria 33: 43-46.
Evans, A.V. 2009. Notes on Valgus seticollis (Palisot de Beauvois) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Virginia. Banisteria 33: 46-49.
Evans, A.V. 2009. The forest caterpillar hunter, Calosoma sycophanta, an Old World species - confirmed as part of the Virginia beetle fauna (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Banisteria 34: 33-37.
Ludwig, J.C. 2009. An updated list of macrolepidopteran moths collected near Vontay, Hanover County, Virginia 1996-2003. Banisteria 34: 38-44.
Roble, S. M., and R. L. Hoffman. 2009. Two austral water beetles new to the Virginia fauna (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae, Hydrophilidae). Banisteria 34: 49-51.
Roble, S. M., and J. C. Mitchell (editors). 2009. A Lifetime of Contributions to Myriapodology and the Natural History of Virginia: A Festschrift in Honor of Richard L. Hoffman's 80th Birthday. Virginia Museum of Natural History Special Publication No. 16, Martinsville, VA. 458 pp.
Roble, S. M., F. L. Carle, and O. S. Flint, Jr. 2009. Dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) of the Laurel Fork Recreation Area, George Washington National Forest, Highland County, Virginia: Possible evidence for climate change. Pp. 365-399 in S. M. Roble and J. C. Mitchell (editors). A Lifetime of Contributions to Myriapodology and the Natural History of Virginia: A Festschrift in Honor of Richard L. Hoffman's 80th Birthday. Virginia Museum of Natural History Special Publication No. 16, Martinsville, VA. 458 pp.
Chazal, A.C., S.M. Roble, and C.S. Hobson. 2010. A review of the status of the Regal Fritillary (Speyeria idalia) in Virginia. Banisteria 35: 32-46.
Chazal, A.C., S.M. Roble, and C.S. Hobson. 2010. Records of butterflies and skippers from Fort A.P. Hill and vicinity, Caroline County, Virginia. Banisteria 36: 25-30.
Chazal, A. C., and S. M. Roble. 2011. Decline of the freshwater mussel fauna of the North Fork and South Fork Shenandoah Rivers, Virginia. Banisteria 38: 38-59.
Fleming, G.P., J.B. Nelson, and J.F. Townsend. 2011. A new hedge-nettle (Stachys: Lamiaceae) from the Mid-Atlantic Piedmont and Coastal Plain of the United States. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 5 (1): pp. 9-18.
Hoffman, R. L., and S. M. Roble. 2011. Gnathobleda litigiosa, an austral assassin bug new to the Virginia fauna (Heteroptera: Reduviidae). Banisteria 37: 33-36.
Kleopfer, J.D. and C.S. Hobson. 2011. A Guide to the Frogs and Toads of Virginia. Bureau of Wildlife Resources Special Publication Number 3, Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries. Richmond, VA 44 pp.
Roble, S. M., and R. L. Hoffman. 2011. Two austral dung beetles new to the Virginia fauna (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Banisteria 37: 30-33.
Roble, S. M., and R. L. Hoffman. 2012. Historical records of Nicrophorus americanus (American burying beetle) from Virginia and vicinity, and confirmation of the occurrence of N. carolinus in Virginia (Coleoptera: Silphidae). Banisteria 39: 58-64.
Roble, S. M., and R. L. Hoffman. 2012. Field Notes: Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum (Eastern Milksnake). Catesbeiana 32: 90.
Hoffman, R. L., and S. M. Roble. 2012. Observations on the distribution, habitat, and seasonality of the centipede Scolopocryptops sexspinosus (Say) in Virginia (Scolopendromorpha: Cryptopidae). Banisteria 40: 36-41.
Roble, S. M., and R. L. Hoffman. 2012. New and additional records of ground beetles and wrinkled bark beetles for Virginia (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Rhysodidae). Banisteria 40: 42-48.
Roble, S. M., and R. L. Hoffman. 2012. Six click beetles new to the Virginia fauna (Coleoptera: Elateridae). Banisteria 40: 49-53.
Hoffman, R. L., and S. M. Roble. 2012. Three wolf spiders new to the Virginia fauna (Araneae: Lycosidae). Banisteria 40: 54-57.
Roble, S. M., and R. L. Hoffman. 2012. Distribution of the flightless carrion beetle Necrophilus pettitii Horn in Virginia (Coleoptera: Agyrtidae). Banisteria 40: 66-67.
Roble, S. M., and R. L. Hoffman. 2012. A second locality for Phytocoris hoffmani Henry (Heteroptera: Miridae). Banisteria 40: 67-68.
Roble, S. M., and R. L. Hoffman. 2012. Drassyllus rufulus (Banks), an addition to the ground spider fauna of Virginia (Araneae: Gnaphosidae). Banisteria 40: 68.
Roble, S. M., and R. L. Hoffman. 2012. Nampabius fungiferopes (Chamberlin), a boreal centipede new to the Virginia fauna (Chilopoda: Lithobiidae). Banisteria 40: 71-72.
Roble, S. M., and R. L. Hoffman. 2012. Phyllophaga longispina (Smith), a northern May beetle new to the fauna of Virginia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Banisteria 40: 75-77.
Roble, S. M., and R. L. Hoffman. 2012. Calligrapha pnirsa Stal, a rarely collected leaf beetle new to the Virginia fauna (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Banisteria 40: 78-80.
Hoffman, R. L., and S. M. Roble. 2012. An inland occurrence of the grasshopper Leptysma marginicollis (Serville) in Virginia (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Leptysminae). Banisteria 40: 81-83.
Roble, S. M. 2012. The Virginia Natural History Society: A brief history of the first 20 years. Banisteria 40: 109-112.
Holsinger, J.R., D.C. Culver, D. A. Hubbard, Jr., W.D. Orndorff, and C.S. Hobson. 2013. The invertebrate cave fauna of Virginia. Banisteria 42: 9-49.
Roble, S., and P. Bedell. 2013. 2013 Southeast Regional Meeting report, and a new species for Virginia! Argia 25(2): 4-6.
Roble, S. M. 2013. Ophiophagy in Red-shouldered Hawks (Buteo lineatus), with the first record of Eastern Wormsnakes (Carphophis amoenus) as prey. Banisteria 41: 80-84.
Roble, S.M., A.C. Chazal, and W.T. Pendleton. 2013. Enallagma carunculatum (Tule Bluet), an addition to the Virginia damselfly fauna. Argia 25(4): 14-15.
Creighton, J., D. Cumbia, H. Darden, B. van Eerden, R. Myers and P. Sheridan. 2014. From the Brink! The Effort to Restore Virginia's Native Longleaf Pine. Virginia Department of Forestry, 2014 Status Report. Charlottesville, VA. 21 pp.
Hobson, C.S. 2014. The Opuntia Cactus Bug Chelinidea vittiger rediscovered in Virginia (Heteroptera: Coreidae). Banisteria 43: 93-94.
Roble, S.M. 2014. Distribution and relative abundance of Gomphus dilatatus (Blackwater Clubtail) at the northern limit of its range in Virginia. Argia 26(1): 16-18.
Roble, S. M. 2014. Mass mortality of Common Baskettails (Epitheca cynosura) due to motor vehicle traffic. Argia 26(3): 26-28.
Roble, S. M. 2014. Field Notes: Hyla cinerea (Green Treefrog). Catesbeiana 34(2): 73.
Roble, S.M., and A. Bryan. 2014. Harris' Checkerspot (Chlosyne harrisii), a northern butterfly new to the fauna of Virginia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Banisteria 43: 96-98.
Eagle, S., Orndorff, W., Schwartz, B., Doctor, D.H., Gerst, J., and Schreiber, M., 2015, Analysis of hydrologic and geochemical time-series data at James Cave,Virginia: Implications for epikarst influence on recharge in Appalachian karst aquifers, in Feinberg, J., Gao, Y., and Alexander, E.C., Jr., eds., Caves and Karst Across Time: Geological Society of America Special Paper 516, p. 1-XXX, doi:10.1130/2015.2516(15).
Powers, K.E., R.J. Reynolds, Orndorff, W., W.M. Ford, and C.S. Hobson, 2015. Post-White-nose Syndrome Trends in Virginia's Cave Bats, 2008-2013, Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment 7: 113-123
Schmitz, O.J., J.J. Lawler, P. Beier, C. Groves, G. Knight, D.A. Boyce Jr, J. Bulluck, K.M. Johnson, M.L. Klein, K. Muller, D.J. Pierce, W.R. Singleton, J.R. Strittholt, D.M. Theobald, S.C. Trombulak, A.E. Trainor. 2015. Conserving biodiversity: practical guidance about climate change adaptation approaches in support of land-use planning. Natural Areas Journal 35(1):190-203.
Wu, Carrie A., Laura A. Murray and Kevin E. Heffernan. 2015. Evidence for Natural Hybridization between Native and Introduced Lineages of Phragmites australis in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. American Journal of Botany 102(5): 805-812.
Aaron William Aunins, David L. Nelms, Christopher S. Hobson, Timothy L. King. 2016. Comparative mitogenomic analyses of three North American stygobiont amphipods of the genus Stygobromus (Crustacea: Amphipoda), Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 1:1, 560-563, DOI: 10.1080/23802359.2016.1174086
Gibson, J. D., P. W. Sattler, and S. M. Roble. 2016. Records of amphibians and reptiles from Breaks Interstate Park, Dickenson County, Virginia. Catesbeiana 36(1): 3-20.
Powers, K. E., R. J. Reynolds, W. Orndorff, B. A. Hyzy, C. S. Hobson, and W. M. Ford. 2016. Monitoring the status of Gray Bats (Myotis grisescens) in Virginia, 2009-2014, and potential impacts of white-nose syndrome, Southeastern Naturalist 15(1): 127-137.
Reynolds, R. J., K. E. Powers, W. Orndorff, W. M. Ford, and C. S. Hobson. 2016. Changes in rates of capture and demographics of Myotis septentrionalis (Northern Long-eared Bat) in western Virginia before and after onset of white-nose syndrome. Northeastern Naturalist 23(2):195-204.
Roble, S. M. 2016. Geographic Distribution: Chrysemys picta picta (Eastern Painted Turtle). Herpetological Review 47(2): 252.
Roble, S. M. 2016. Geographic Distribution: Graptemys geographica (Northern Map Turtle).Herpetological Review 47(2): 252.
Roble, S. M. 2016. Geographic Distribution: Sternotherus minor peltifer (Stripe-necked Musk Turtle). Herpetological Review 47(2): 255.
Roble, S. M. 2016. Arnold Ortmann's little-known 1925-26 mollusk collecting trips to Virginia. Banisteria 47: 18-31.
Bosquet, Woodward S. and Gary P. Fleming. 2017. Floristics of the Abrams Creek Wetlands, a Calcareous Fen Complex in Winchester City and Frederick County, Virginia. Castanea 82(2): 132-155
Kondratieff, B. C., C. J. Verdone, and S. Roble. 2017. New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Virginia, U.S.A. Perla 35: 22-27.
Mathhew L. Niemiller, Megan L. Porter, Jenna Keany, Heather Gilbert, Daniel W. Fong, David C. Culver, Christopher S. Hobson, K. Denis Kendall, Mark A. Davis, Steven J. Taylor. 2017. Evaluation of eDNA for groundwater invertebrate Detection and Monitoring: A Case Study with Endangered Stygobromus (Amphipoda: Crangonyctidae). Conservation Genet Resource
Roble, S. 2017. DSA [Dragonfly Society of the Americas] 2017 Annual Meeting report. Argia 29(3): 1-7.
Huish, R., R. Klopf. 2018. Environmental correlates to population structure and health of the rare piratebush (Buckleya distichophylla) within Poor Mountain Natural Area Preserve, Virginia. Natural Areas Journal 38(2), pp. 148-153.
Kosic Ficco, Katarina. 2018. An Interdisciplinary Framework for the Protection of Karst Aquifers. Environmental Science & Policy. Volume 89, November 2018, pp. 41-48. www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1462901118300522
Orndorff, Wil, Daniel H. Doctor, Tom Malabad, Katarina Kosic Ficco, Zena Orndorff, and Andrea Futrell. 2018. Patterns of Heterogeneity within Phreatic Karst Aquifers of the Great Valley, Virginia and West Virginia: Evidence From Time Series Hydrologic Monitoring, Groundwater Chemistry, and Stygobite Site Occupancy. pp. 189-201 in NCKRI SYMPOSIUM 7 Proceedings of the 15th Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst and the 3rd Appalachian Karst Symposium Edited by: Ira D. Sasowsky, Michael J. Byle, and Lewis Land.
Roble, S. M. 2018. Carpenter and leopard moths of Virginia (Lepidoptera: Cossoidea: Cossidae, Dudgeoneidae). Banisteria 51: 23-32.
Roble, S. M. 2018. Euteliidae of Virginia (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea). Banisteria 51: 33-41.
Roble, S. M. 2018. First Virginia records of four exotic noctuoid moths, with additional records for two other introduced species (Lepidoptera). Banisteria 51: 42-51.
Roble, S. M. 2019. Owlet moths of Virginia, I. Subfamily Plusiinae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Banisteria 52: 3-27.
Roble, S. M., O. S. Flint, Jr., and S. C. Harris. 2019. New Virginia records of Trichoptera and Neuroptera (Insecta). Banisteria 52: 42-45.
2020 |2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024
Lee, M. T. R. K. Peet, T. R. Wentworth, M. P. Schafale, A.S. Weakley, J P. Vanderhorst, K. D. Patterson 2020. Availability of plot data from the Carolinas and Virginias for documenting the US National Vegetation Classification. USNVC Proc-4. Washington, D.C., USA: Ecological Society of America. 15 pp + Appendix.
LeBlond, R.J., J.F. Townsend, and J.C. Ludwig. 2020. Two New Species of Dichanthelium (Poaceae) from the mountains and Piedmont of Virginia, one with an outlier in Pennsylvania. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 14(2):189-198.
Schuette, Scott, John F. Townsend, and Wesley Knapp. 2022. State of Bryophyte Conservation in North America North of Mexico. Botanical Society of America 2022 Conference, Anchorage, Alaska (Abstr.).
Townsend, J.F. 2020. Floristics of Difficult Creek Natural Area Preserve: A Piedmont Mafic Woodland Complex in Halifax County, Virginia, U.S.A. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 14(2): 481-519.
DeBerry, D. A., J. A. Thompson, Z. R. Bradford, D. L. Davis, J. C. Ludwig, R. H. Simmons, and T. F. Wieboldt. 2021. Coefficients of Conservatism (C-values) for the Flora of Virginia. Banisteria 55: 112-149.
Hamilton, Healy, Regan L. Smyth, Bruce E. Young, Timothy G. Howard, Christopher Tracey, Sean Breyer, D. Richard Cameron, et al. 2022. "Increasing Taxonomic Diversity and Spatial Resolution Clarifies Opportunities for Protecting US Imperiled Species." Ecological Applications e2534. https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2534
Schuette, Scott, John F. Townsend, and Wesley Knapp. 2022. State of Bryophyte Conservation in North America North of Mexico. Botanical Society of America 2022 Conference, Anchorage, Alaska (Abstr.).
Townsend, J.F., Paul G. Davison, and Thomas F. Wieboldt. 2023. Noteworthy Bryophyte Disjunctions in the Southern Mountains of Virginia. Evansia 40 (2): 46-53pp.
Julian J. Lewis, Salisa L. Lewis, William Orndorff, Zenah Orndorff, Florian Malard, Lara Konecny-Dupré, Nathanaëlle Saclier, Christophe Douady. 2023. Groundwater Isopods of Virginia (Isopoda: Asellidae And Cirolanidae). Virginia Museum of Natural History Special Publication 19. Martinsville, VA
Harden CW, Davidson RL, Malabad TE, Caterino MS, Maddison DR (2024) Phylogenetic systematics of the enigmatic genus Horologion Valentine, 1932 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae, Horologionini), with description of a new species from Bath County, Virginia. Subterranean Biology 48: 1-49. https://doi.org/10.3897/subtbiol.48.114404