When starting a new search by characteristics, check that all the fields are set to the default “No Preference.” To generate a custom list of plants to suit your project needs, use the dropdown menus to fill in the Search by Characteristics form and click "Submit." You can leave any field set to the default “No Preference.” Making selections in more of the fields will result in a shorter but highly site-specific list of species.
For example, you might want a list of grasses (Plant Type) found in Halifax County (Locality) that are less than 3 feet tall (Max Height) and occur in a sunny (Light Requirements) and dry habitat (Moisture Requirements). Or you may want a list of ferns (Plant Type) that grow in moist soil (Moisture Requirements) in the shade (Light Requirements) in Chesterfield County (Locality).
You can only select one choice per field for your query. If you have a site with multiple habitats, we recommend doing a separate search for each habitat. For example, some of your site may be full sun and dry soil. Another part of your site may be full shade and moist soil.
A second option is to do a general search. Select your Locality and leave Soil Requirements and Light Requirements set to “No Preference.” Download the results as one spreadsheet and refine your list using your preferred spreadsheet software.
For each species in the result, you will see a table of characteristics. To see further information, such as names of plant providers and links to their websites, click "More details."
Query results are downloadable as a CSV file by clicking the Download Result button. Results are also printable from your browser's Print menu.
Find more information on native plant gardening at plantvirginianatives.org.
For questions or issues related to the finder, email pollinator.smart@dcr.virginia.gov.