Media inquiries: Please contact Dave Neudeck,, 804-786-5053.
Date: July 18, 2019
DCR Protects More Than 1,000 Acres in Six Months
In the first six months of 2019, the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) acquired and added more than 1,045 acres to six DCR properties. This acreage expands existing state parks and adds land to future state parks. It will also protect and enhance habitat for rare species in the Natural Area Preserve system.
Additions include:
DCR assesses potential conservation opportunities, whether it be land for new state parks, additions to existing state parks or additions to the Natural Area Preserve system for the protection of native species. These purchases and donations often involve DCR’s network of partners, nonprofits and conservation organizations.
“Virginia State Parks is pleased to work with numerous partners to ensure that significant additions are made for recreational and conservation efforts across the state. These acquisitions will help to provide outdoor experiences for current and future generations,” said Virginia State Parks Director Craig Seaver. “Organizations such as the Trust for Public Land, Navy Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration Program, Piedmont Land Conservancy, Nature Conservancy and others are instrumental in making these acquisitions happen.”
“DCR’s Natural Heritage Program has remarkable, decades-long partnerships with the Virginia Native Plant Society and the Coastal Zone Management Program at DEQ,” said Natural Areas Stewardship Manager Rick Myers. “Thus far in 2019, these relationships have led to natural area acquisitions that will protect rare species and provide conservation benefits for all Virginians.”
All the acquisitions fall under one or more categories in Gov. Ralph Northam’s ConserveVirginia initiative, which provides a roadmap for land conservation across the state. Through it, 19 data inputs are analyzed to categorize prospective land into six conservation categories. The initiative is meant to maximize conservation value from state-funded land acquisition.