The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation is proud to provide stewardship for two different types of public lands in the commonwealth: Virginia State Parks and natural area preserves.
Along with opportunities for outdoor recreation, public lands offer benefits of conservation, floodplain management and improving clean air and water. In honor of National Public Lands Day on Sept. 28, Virginia State Parks is offering free parking and volunteer opportunities.
The Virginia Natural Heritage program oversees a system of 66 natural area preserves.
Established in the late 1980s, the preserves protect some of the most significant natural areas in the commonwealth. The main purpose is the conservation of biodiversity and the preserves are managed primarily for the benefit of the rare plants, animals and natural communities found there.
More than 20 offer access to the public, for free, for low-intensity activities such as hiking and bird-watching. However, a natural area preserve is not the same as a park: most have very limited parking and no restroom facilities. Be sure to check for information on natural area preserves before you visit.