Open fires are prohibited throughout the park from midnight to 4 p.m., now through April 30. Learn more.

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation Response to Potential COVID-19 Exposures for Virginia State Parks Staff

The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation has implemented a protocol for Virginia State Parks closures due to COVID-19, based on guidance from the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Parks are open except where noted at

  1. If a Virginia State Parks employee notifies their supervisor that they tested positive for COVID-19, DCR will take the following steps:
    • Determine the sick employee’s last date of contact with a park facility and any employees.
    • Identify all employees who had close contact with the sick employee as defined by the CDC and the VDH. Depending on their vaccination status, these employees may be asked to remain in quarantine for up to 14 days from the last shift worked with the sick employee. These quarantine decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis after careful evaluation of all factors.
    • If the number of employees notified and asked to quarantine negatively impacts the park's ability to safely and effectively staff grounds and facilities, the park may be temporarily closed.
  2. Consistent with CDC and VDH guidance, if a Virginia State Parks employee is symptomatic (regardless of vaccination status) the employee will be asked to self-quarantine in accordance with the VDH. Any employees in contact with that person will be notified and asked to monitor their symptoms as well. If the employee later receives a positive test result, DCR will follow the procedure above.
  3. If a Virginia State Parks employee resides with someone who tests positive for COVID-19, the employee will be asked to self-quarantine per CDC and VDH guidelines for household contacts .

Decisions to close a Virginia State Park for situations outside of those listed above will be made on a case-by-case basis. Any Virginia State Park closures related to the coronavirus pandemic will be listed on DCR’s website at


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