Open fires are prohibited throughout the park from midnight to 4 p.m., now through April 30. Learn more.
Youth Conservation Corps - Program Elements
- Trail maintenance or construction of new trails.
- Construction of picnic pads and tent sites framed with wood and filled with gravel or stone dust.
- Reframing and weeding of garden beds and landscaping by a park’s visitor center.
- Removal of invasive species such as Tree of Heaven, Wavy Leaf Basket Grass, and Autumn Olive.
- Construction of stream crossings, water bars and other features to guide users away from treading on ‘social trails’ that can contribute to erosion.
- Laying of mulch, gravel, stone dust, or other materials in areas that need to be refurbished.
- Collaboration with AmeriCorps members, Master Gardeners, Master Naturalists, Park Volunteers and other groups to accomplish projects including but not limited to those listed.
Before and after work was done on a stream crossing by the YCC crew at Sky Meadows State Park.
Crews will live in park housing on state park property, which could be a bunkhouse, double-wide trailer or lodge. All housing is required to have bunks beds for 10 Crew Members, and a separate room with beds for the Crew Leaders. All meals are provided, and most are cooked collaboratively in the bunkhouse or on the grill.
Interpretive, environmental education and recreation activities that crews have enjoyed in the past include:
- Tubing, kayaking, canoeing, swimming, or biking at neighboring state parks.
- Astronomy programs or “star parties”.
- Snake or other animal identification programs.
- Archery programs.
- Fishing programs.
- Cavern or cave trips.
- Visits to nearby towns and attractions.
- Bird or plant walks led by a Virginia Master Naturalist.