Virginia Department of Conservation and RecreationAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know
The Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board [§10.1-502] shall perform the functions conferred upon it in this chapter. The board shall consist of nine voting members. DCR's director or his designee shall be a nonvoting ex-officio member of the board. Three at-large members of the board shall be appointed by the governor.
The mission of the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board is to provide for the conservation of soil and water resources; control and prevent soil erosion, flood water, and sediment damage; oversee and support the soil and water conservation districts; ensure the safety of the dam infrastructure in Virginia; and preserve the natural resources of the commonwealth.
The following information is provide for your information and use as a member of the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board. More information may be found at the DCR website. For additional information, contact Paul Saunders, 804-840-5904, paul.saunders@dcr.virginia.gov.