Project Review (30 calendar day turnaround)..$90 per site ; add $35 for 1-5 natural heritage occurrences (rare plants, rare animals, significant communities and karst) and $60 for 6 or more occurrences.
Multi-quad project area $90 per quad . Projects in karst topography (additional project review fee of $35 per site ).Project Review (30 calendar day turnaround). Natural heritage occurrences (rare plants, rare animals, significant communities and karst).
Project Review with Accompanying Map...$250 per site; for projects with potential impact to Natural Heritage Resources including alternative energy projects, written comments with 8.5 X 11 map displaying Natural Heritage Screening Coverage.Project Review with Accompanying Map; Projects with potential impact to Natural Heritage Resources including alternative energy projects, written comments with 8.5 X 11 map displaying Natural Heritage Screening Coverage.
Project Review with Accompanying ArcGIS Shapefile...$500 - 1 to 5 1:24,000 quadrangles (intersecting the project area), $1000 6-12 quadrangles (intersecting the project area), $1500 13-100 quadrangles (intersecting the project area)...one-time release of spatial natural heritage screening coverage (Conservation Sites, Stream Conservation Units and General Location Records) data as identified in the project review letter...data is valid for 6 months and requires a signed license agreement
Priority Service (15 calendar day turnaround)...$300 surcharge
Priority Service (5 business day turnaround)...$500 surcharge
Details: Describe project in the space below, please include detailed project description, any proposed tree removal , project location information including latitude, longitude , acreage, and existing site conditions (photographs if available). Attach additional information as necessary. In order to ensure an accurate assessment, please attach an electronic copy of a site map (preferably from a USGS topo map with identified project boundaries) and all other information to the information services order form. Incomplete submittal of information will delay the review process.
* Project Number & Title:
* Instream impact associated with the project:
* Major Ground Disturbing Activities / Project Types
Tree removal with heavy machinery
Bank grading
Excavation/Trenching/Topsoil Stripping/Clearing/Grubbing
Ground disturbance associated with any slope of 3:1 or greater within the project boundary
Pile Driving
Road or development construction including stormwater management pond
Mining operations including dewatering activities
Directional drill entry/exit pits/bore pits
Pipeline construction/repair
Transmission line construction -new build, wreck and rebuild
* Minor Ground Disturbing Activities / Project Types
Alternative water source pipeline for livestock
Plantings with no excavation
Manual tree removal with chainsaw
Aerial electrical line replacement -no pole replacement
Hand Digging
* Project Description: (Maximum Characters: 1000)
Natural Heritage Resource Reports & Distribution Maps
Custom NHR Maps (describe, call for more information)...............$80/hour
Custom Karst Maps (describe, call for more information)...............$80/hour
Custom NHR Reports (describe, call for more information)............$60/hour
Custom Karst Reports (describe, call for more information)............$60/hour
Karst-related services can be contracted through DCR-DNH.These services include:
Biological inventory and habitat assessment of caves
Mapping of surface karst features
Surveying and creation of maps for cave
Hydrological investigations
Dye tracing
Hydrological monitoring
Mitigation recommendations
Field services for karst work are $800 per day for subterranean investigation and $500 for surface, including travel and fringe. Office services are at hourly rate ($50). Analytical fees and subcontractor services (dye tracing analysis, taxonomic determinations) are additional and will vary depending on the project. Individual contracts will specify terms on a case specific basis. Please contact the DCR Karst Program (Wil.Orndorff@dcr.virginia.gov ) for scope of work and costs.
Natural Heritage Data Explorer Subscription Service :
Tier I (unlimited access per subscription year, a digital license agreement is required ).............$1000/yr.
Tier II (unlimited access per subscription year, a digital license agreement is required ).............$2000/yr.
Tier II Plus (unlimited access per subscription year, a digital license agreement is required ).............$3000/yr.
Digital Conservation Sites Subscription Service (specify area of interest; a digital license agreement is required )
1 county or 12 quads or less..............$1000/yr.
13-100 quads.....................................$3500/yr.
Statewide coverage...........................$6000/yr.
Please provide details in the space below: (failure to provide information will delay subscription processing; Maximum characters: 700)
Predicted Suitable Habitat (PSH) layers and Predicted Suitable Habitat Summary (PSHS) subscription services (license agreement required).
1 County or up to 12 quads
13-100 quads
1 A Predicted Suitable Habitat (PSH) is a spatial layer where the area representing predicted suitable habitat for a species is mapped.
2 A Predicted Suitable Habitat Summary(PSHS) is a raster dataset that combines rare, threatened and endangered species PSH layers. Any single cell can be considered predicted suitable habitat for multiple species and a list of species is made available for each raster cell.
3 A Digital Data Subscription for natural heritage resources data.
4 DDS and PSHS subscriptions can be bundled and subscribed to for 75% of the combined cost of subscribing to each individually.
For additional subscription information about the predicted suitable habitat models and summary, please visit https://www.dcr.virginia.gov/natural-heritage/sdm or contact Joe.Weber@dcr.virginia.gov
Digitized DCR natural heritage resource locational data for GIS or map production, whether provided by DCR digitally or entered by the client from tables or reports, may not be used without first completing a data licensing agreement with DCR Division of Natural Heritage. A license form is available on request.
Although DCR-DNH data are closely quality controlled, DCR-DNH makes no warranty as to the fitness of the data for any purpose.
Any publication of data provided by DCR, whether as text, table or map, must acknowledge Virginia DCR-Natural Heritage Program, and include the date the data were provided by DCR.
If fees are assessed, an invoice will be included with the response. Please do not pre-pay. Payment is due within 30 days of receipt. Minimum charge for hourly fees is $40.
* I understand and agree to the above conditions: Yes (Required for Fee Services)