Listing a property under the Natural Area Registry allows private landowners and public agencies to voluntarily highlight and safeguard the best remaining examples of natural areas and natural heritage resources across Virginia. DCR helps identify such areas and informs the landowners and land managers of their significance. Upon receipt of that information, if the landowners agree to voluntarily preserve and protect the natural heritage resources, DNH will offer to acknowledge their contribution by including their property on the Natural Areas Registry, accompanied by a recognition plaque and certificate. The NAR is a nonbinding, nonlegal, nonregulatory program designed to recognize property owners who voluntarily act to safeguard natural areas.
This program is designed to encourage the highest ideals of biodiversity protection and management. Participants agree to voluntarily preserve and protect natural heritage resources on their land to the best of their ability. However, there is no binding or perpetual requirement to do so and the property may be removed from the registry at any time. Registrants are encouraged to work with DCR to explore other, more permanent conservation options if the need or opportunity arises.
Inclusion on the Registry does not provide automatic public access, nor will site-specific information automatically be shared with the public. The owner may authorize or even encourage visitation or may elect to keep the location entirely off limits. Locations of registered natural areas are not publicized unless the owner so desires.
In honor of the voluntary commitment to protect the natural area, the landowner will receive a certificate and a plaque recognizing both the significance of their land and their contribution to conserving biodiversity of Virginia.