Open fires are prohibited throughout the park from midnight to 4 p.m., now through April 30. Learn more.

Park Trail Maps

phone with trail map

Virginia State Parks offer pre-printed maps that include park facilities and
trails. Parks with more extensive trail systems also offer a separate Facilities Guide and Trail Guide.

Additionally, we offer geo-referenced PDFs for all of our parks that can be accessed through a third-party app, Avenza Maps, available for Apple and Android devices.

Don’t get lost in the woods unless you want to

Did you know that certain types of PDF maps can show your exact position on a trail? These are called geo-referenced PDFs. When the map is opened using an app on your smart phone, a dot/reference point displays on the device's screen at your exact location. These maps use your GPS, not your cell signal, so they work even when you do not have service (as long as you have downloaded the map to your phone in advance). As you move along the trail, the dot will move with you. The map will guide your way for as long as your device's battery works.

In addition to providing a link to the Avenza map app, we are also providing the geo-referenced PDF itself so that advanced trail guide users can upload to their favorite app or software.

Here is how to access our geo-referenced maps:

  1. Download the Avenza app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store.
  2. Click the link for the park you want visit below to download the Avenza map. If you need help finding a park, visit our Find a Park list.
  3. Click on the park’s link and select Park trail guide (on the left when using a computer, on mobile click About this park and then Park trail guide). You will see a link to the paper trail guide, Avenza map, and the geo-referenced PDF.
  4. Our maps are all free. The Avenza App is free as long as you download maps from their store or upload no more than four of your own. You can download all of the Virginia State Park maps from their store and use at no cost.
  5. See YouTube videos for help with Avenza from basic use to advanced.

Links to Avenza mapsGeo-referenced PDFs
Bear Creek Lake State Park Bear Creek Lake State Park
Belle Isle State Park Belle Isle State Park
Caledon State Park Caledon State Park
Chippokes State Park Chippokes State Park
Claytor Lake State Park Claytor Lake State Park
Clinch River State Park Clinch River State Park
Douthat State Park Douthat State Park
Fairy Stone State Park Fairy Stone State Park
False Cape State Park False Cape State Park
First Landing State Park First Landing State Park
Grayson Highlands State Park Grayson Highlands State Park
Green Pastures Recreation Area Green Pastures Recreation Area
High Bridge Trail State Park High Bridge Trail State Park
Holliday Lake State ParkHolliday Lake State Park
Hungry Mother State Park Hungry Mother State Park
James River State Park James River State Park
Kiptopeke State Park Kiptopeke State Park
Lake Anna State Park Lake Anna State Park
Leesylvania State Park Leesylvania State Park
Machicomoco State Park Machicomoco State Park
Mason Neck State Park Mason Neck State Park
Natural Bridge State Park Natural Bridge State Park
Natural Tunnel State Park Natural Tunnel State Park
New River Trail State Park New River Trail State Park
Occoneechee State Park Occoneechee State Park
Pocahontas State Park Pocahontas State Park
Powhatan State Park Powhatan State Park
Sailors Creek Battlefield State Park Sailors Creek Battlefield State Park
Seven Bends State Park Seven Bends State Park
Shenandoah River State Park Shenandoah River State Park
Sky Meadows State Park Sky Meadows State Park
Smith Mountain Lake State Park Smith Mountain Lake State Park
Southwest Virginia Museum State Park - None Southwest Virginia Museum State Park - None
Staunton River Battlefield State Park Staunton River Battlefield State Park
Staunton River State Park Staunton River State Park
Sweet Run State Park Sweet Run State Park
Twin Lakes State Park Twin Lakes State Park
Westmoreland State Park Westmoreland State Park
Widewater State Park Widewater State Park
Wilderness Road State Park Wilderness Road State Park
York River State Park York River State Park


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