(Reference: Probable Maximum Precipitation Study for Virginia, November 2015, Applied Weather Associates and Virginia DCR Dam Safety Program.)
This analysis provides 24 Virginia based temporal distribution curves to help engineers complete hydrologic calculations when analyzing regulated dams within the state. The temporal analysis results reflect the PMP rainfall accumulations patterns specific to Virginia and are to be used in combination with the 2015 Virginia PMP study. They are derived from the same set of storms used to develop the PMP depths so they reflect temporal accumulation patterns that occur during PMP type storms. These curves reflect physically possible accumulation patterns and cover a wide range of possible scenarios that, when combined with the other conservative processes utilized in the PMP development, produce appropriately conservative probable maximum flood (PMF) results.
The Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board adopted the 2018 Virginia PMP Temporal Distribution Analysis and Database on June 28, 2018. The board’s Guidance Document on Dam Break Inundation Zone Modeling and Mapping Procedures, which includes information regarding the 2018 Virginia Temporal Distribution Analysis, was revised on June 28, 2018.
For technical assistance regarding this information, contact the appropriate regional engineer for your community.
All deliverables for the 2018 Virginia Probable Maximum Precipitation Temporal Distribution Analysis are being provided herein with the expressed understanding that the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) and the state are releasing these products at the user's own risk. This analysis is based on the best information, science and techniques available. No warranty, however, expressed or implied, is made regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness or reliability of the data provided. These data are provided "as is." Neither DCR nor contributors of data to DCR may be held liable for any use or application of the data provided whatsoever, whether or not that use is improper or incorrect. Also, DCR and data contributors assume no responsibility for the use or application of the data or information derived from interpretation of the data. In no event shall DCR or its collaborators be liable for any direct, indirect or incidental damages arising from the use or application of these data. This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury, including but not limited to those caused by any failure of performance including failures resulting in personal injury or property damage, error, omission, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, alteration, use, application, analysis or interpretation of data. The owner's engineer and other end users are expected to take all steps necessary to ensure the proper use and understanding of these products and to make sure that all information is being properly interpreted and applied.
Users should check back routinely for updates as data and supporting documents will be added and changed resulting in some information becoming out-of-date. Users shouldn’t let much time elapse between getting and using data and supporting documents.
Also see Probable Maximum Precipitation Study Background and Probable Maximum Precipitation Study and Evaluation Tool.