Flood Risk Products go beyond the basic flood hazard information found on flood insurance rate maps (FIRMs). Flood Risk Products help community members and officials view and visualize their local flood risk, allowing communities to make informed decisions about reducing flood loss and mitigating potential damage from flood hazards. These individuals may include property owners, emergency management officials, community planners and developers, real estate and insurance specialists and other professionals and community decision-makers.
DCR's Flood Risk Products training will provide participants with a greater understanding of flood risk and how good floodplain management is good land use planning. Participants will learn how to interpret Flood Insurance Rate Maps and non-regulatory FEMA products, as well as where to find this data online. Different land use regulations and plans in which floodplain management principles could be incorporated to reduce risk will be discussed. Examples from Virginia zoning ordinances, comprehensive plans, future land use plans, and hazard mitigation plans will be highlighted.
Target Audience: Local, regional, and state officials
For more information on this training, please visit DCR's Dam Safety & Floodplain Management Calendar here:
To learn more about FEMA's Flood Risk Products, click here: https://www.fema.gov/risk-map-flood-risk-products