For a community to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program, it must adopt and enforce floodplain management regulations that meet or exceed the minimum NFIP standards and requirements. These standards are incorporated into their floodplain ordinance and intended to prevent loss of life and property, as well as economic and social hardships that result from flooding.
DCR will facilitate the Floodplain Management Ordinance training, in which participants will learn how the Risk MAP process relates to the local floodplain ordinance, including the requirement for an ordinance amendment to officially adopt their new maps and Flood Insurance Study. This training will outline the different sections of a local floodplain ordinance, minimum NFIP requirements, and the ordinance amendment process and timelines associated with the map updates. The Virginia Model Floodplain Ordinance, higher standards, and the ordinance review checklist will be covered.
Target Audience: Local floodplain administrators in communities with map updates underway
To learn more about Floodplain Management Ordinances, click here
For more information on this training, please visit DCR's Dam Safety & Floodplain Management Calendar here: