June 18, 2020
Dear Dam Owner:
The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) is pleased to announce the Dam Safety Inventory System (DSIS) will now accept online payments for required fees. The DSIS payment option went live June 17, 2020 and is just one additional step forward in streamlining administrative processes for dam owners in the Commonwealth. This option is available for applications submitted through the DSIS system such as Certificate and Permits DSIS will automatically inform you of this option when an application is submitted. You may also choose to submit payments outside of DSIS by following this link https://www.dcr.virginia.gov/payment?project=2019-05-02-19-29-32-991649-24g. All fees will be posted within 24 hours of payment and will decrease wait time associated with mail-in checks. While the electronic payment option is now available in DSIS and is preferred, dam owners still have the option to mail in payments if they wish to do so by choosing "Mail Payment" instead of "Online Payment".
As DCR strives to continue to make our program better and to create access to services that are beneficial to dam owners in the Commonwealth of Virginia, we hope this is a useful tool in managing your responsibilities as dam owners. A brief outline of the online payments process has been attached for your reference. If you feel you have received this notification in error, or have questions or concerns, please contact us at dam@dcr.virginia.gov.
Thank you,
Department of Conservation and Recreation
Division of Dam Safety and Floodplain Management