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Marine System
The Natural Communities of Virginia
Classification of Ecological Groups and Community Types
Third Approximation (Version 3.3)
Information current as of March 2021
Table of Contents
Natural Communities of VA
Classification of Ecological Groups and Community Types
Why Classify Communities?
What is an Ecological Community?
Methods and Data Sources
Structure of the Virginia Natural Community Classification
Future Directions and Feedback
Format of Descriptions
Overview of VA Physiography & Vegetation
Terrestrial System
High-Elevation Forests, Grasslands, and Rock Outcrops
Spruce and Fir Forests
Southern Appalachian Shrub and Grass Balds
Northern Hardwood Forests
High-Elevation Boulderfield Forests and Woodlands
High-Elevation Cove Forests
Northern Red Oak Forests
High-Elevation Outcrop Barrens
Low-Elevation Mesic Forests
Rich Cove Forests
Basic Mesic Forests
Acidic Cove Forests
Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forests
Eastern Hemlock - Hardwood Forests
Low-Elevation Dry and Dry-Mesic Forests
Montane Dry and Dry-Mesic Calcareous Forests
Coastal Plain Dry Calcareous Forests
Basic Oak - Hickory Forests
Acidic Oak - Hickory Forests
Montane Mixed Oak and Oak - Hickory Forests
Oak / Heath Forests
Eastern White Pine - Hardwood Forests
Coastal Plain / Piedmont Oak - Beech / Heath Forests
Carolina Hemlock Forests
Piedmont Hardpan Forests
Low-Elevation Boulderfield Forests
Low-Elevation Woodlands, Barrens, and Rock Outcrops
Pine - Oak / Heath Woodlands
Mountain / Piedmont Acidic Woodlands
Mountain / Piedmont Basic Woodlands
Central Appalachian Shale Barrens
Limestone / Dolostone Woodlands and Barrens
Ultramafic Woodlands and Barrens
Low-Elevation Outcrop Barrens
Piedmont Granitic Flatrocks
Piedmont Oak - Hickory Woodlands, Savannas, and Grasslands
Riverside Outcrop Barrens
Mountain / Piedmont Cliffs
Lichen / Bryophyte Nonvascular Cliffs and Boulderfields
Maritime Zone Communities
Maritime Dune Grasslands
Maritime Dune Scrub
Maritime Dune Woodlands
Maritime Upland Forests
Sandy Woodlands of the Coastal Plain and Outer Piedmont
Sandhill and Fluvial Terrace Woodlands
Palustrine System
Alluvial Floodplain Communities
Bald Cypress - Tupelo Swamps
Coastal Plain / Piedmont Bottomland Forests
Floodplain Ponds and Pools
Semipermanent Impoundments
Piedmont / Mountain Floodplain Forests and Swamps
Piedmont / Mountain Small-Stream Alluvial Forests
Sand / Gravel / Mud Bars and Shores
Rocky Bars and Shores
Riverside Prairies
Non-Alluvial Wetlands of the Mountains
Montane Depression Swamps and Ponds
Mountain / Piedmont Seepage Swamps
Montane Woodland Seeps
Appalachian Bogs
Calcareous Fens and Spring Marshes
Mafic Fens and Seeps
Spray Cliffs
Inland Salt Marshes
Non-Alluvial Wetlands of the Coastal Plain & Piedmont
Coastal Plain Depression Swamps and Ponds
Non-Riverine Flatwoods and Swamps
Coastal Plain / Piedmont Seepage Swamps
Coastal Plain / Piedmont Seepage Bogs
Piedmont Upland Depression Swamps
Saturated Peatlands of the Coastal Plain
Pond Pine Woodlands and Pocosins
Peatland Atlantic White-Cedar Forests
Non-Tidal Maritime Wetlands
Sea-Level Fens
Interdune Swales and Ponds
Maritime Swamps
Riverine System
Riverine Aquatic Beds
Estuarine System
Tidal Wetlands
Tidal Freshwater Marshes
Tidal Oligohaline Marshes
Wind-Tidal Oligohaline Marshes
Tidal Mesohaline and Polyhaline Marshes
Tidal Shrub Swamps
Tidal Swamp Forests and Woodlands
Tidal Freshwater and Oligohaline Aquatic Beds
Tidal Mesohaline and Polyhaline Aquatic Beds
High-Energy Tidal River Shores
Salt Flats
Salt Scrub
Marine System
Upper Beaches and Overwash Flats
Summary of Procedures for Collection & Analysis of Vegetation Data
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Marine System
Upper Beaches and Overwash Flats
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